Chapter 14 - Library

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Aelin awoke to the sound of the front door being opened. He was ready to go check, but felt a weight on his lap. He looked down to see a familiar black haired boy still sleeping away peacefully, chest rising and falling in a steady motion. Aelin's gaze softened at the sight, but he had to check who had entered the Mansion. He gently lifted the sleeping boy's head, found a nearby pillow and let the boy's head rest on it instead. Aelin then removed the magician's cloak, neatly folding it and setting it to the side, and draped a thin blanket over him.

The blond boy quietly closed his bedroom doors and descended the stairs. He saw his maids huddled together seemingly comforting each other and discussing an important topic. Aelin could feel the stressed atmosphere; it was an odd feeling that contrasted the mansion's usually soothing atmosphere. He called out to his maids from the stairs and quickly made his way towards them.

"Ah! Young master!..."



Whatever was stressing the maids out seemed to have impacted them a lot. Aelin stepped forward to try and comfort them, but Selena suddenly started addressing him.

"Young master... how would you feel if you..."

The maid hesitated.

"How would you feel if you were given an order to visit the palace?"


Lucas awoke to a room that definitely was not from the palace. He got up and noticed that his cloak was neatly folded and placed at the other end of the windowsill. A blanket had also been placed over him, and where his head once laid was a soft pillow. Looking around the room, memories of the previous day started to fill his mind, reminding him once again why he was in the in the first place room. It was quite odd, Lucas was usually quite aware and careful of his surroundings, yet he almost instantly succumbed to slumber with the company of the golden haired boy. Perhaps it had something to do with his aura or mana...

The magician noticed that a small table had been brought over to the windowsill where he was sleeping; on it was a tray with tea and a sandwich, as well as a neatly folded letter placed on it.

Lucas reached over and grabbed the note as well as the cup of tea. Taking a sip of the tea, the magician was surprised at the taste. It seemed that the tea had been mixed with milk, and perhaps even a bit of cream. It was a new taste to him.

Though, he supposed it wasn't that bad.
Quite enjoyable, actually.

Savoring the drink, the ruby eyed boy delicately unfolded the letter and carefully read its contents.

To my beloved tresspasser,

I hope you had a good rest. I also hope that the breakfast I prepared for you is to your taste. I was informed by my maids that I have been ordered to visit the palace, so I suppose I shall see you there.

A victim of your kidnapping

Lucas snorted at the snarky salutation and sign-off.

'Someone's got an attitude.'

He finished drinking what was left in the teacup and put it down along with the note. He looked around the room and grabbed a pen, quickly doodling a little critter on the letter, before taking his cloak from where it was folded and draping it over him. The magician grabbed the uneaten sandwich that was still sitting on the plate, and with a snap of his finger, he disappeared.

I'll see you in a bit.

❈ ◈ ❈

Aelin went back to his room to prepare for the palace visit, and noticed the ruby eyed boy had already left. The blonde boy walked over to the tray he had left for the magician, and noticed something had been added to the letter. A little critter had been doodled next to the sign off; it was crooked, messy and hard to make out what it was supposed to be, but Aelin found it quite adorable, especially considering the person who had drawn it. The blonde boy assumed the doodle was the magician's way of notifying that he had read the letter, so Aelin folded the letter back up and put it in his desk drawer.

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