Chapter 11 - Memories

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4 years didn't appear to be as long as Aelin thought they would be. He looked out of the carriage window, his mind drawn back to the memory of the conversation he had with Leila before his departure. 

Sunlight poured through the windows of the room they sat in, a comfortable silence filling the air. But even in the comfort of the soft silence, one could easily feel the slight anxiousness floating around. Leila turned to the window and looked outside, seemingly admiring the scenery.


The boy turned his head towards her, bringing up his full attention. 

"As much as I know you want to keep your privacy, would you mind sharing with me your departure destination?"

The  blonde boy  blinked, both out of surprise from the suddenness of the question, as well as realization that he had never revealed where he hailed from. 

"...I come from the Obelian Empire."

The honey blonde woman seem to tense up for a bit, before relaxing her posture responding to the boy.

"...Is that so?"

Aelin could hear a hint of sadness in her voice, something that was very rare for his mentor. Leila chuckled to herself when she saw the curious expression splayed across the boy's face.

"What a coincidence, and just when I was going to talk about her..."

Leila turned her head towards the window once more, a small sigh slipping out of her.

"Aelin, you are a very talented child, y'know? You learn very quickly, and your intelligence is quite high for your age. People say it's not good to compare, but you really remind me of her."

Aelin straightened his posture, as the faint feeling of seriousness settled into the room.

"Back when I was around your age when we met, I had also met someone from this troupe. It was a girl  who was maybe three or four years older than me at the time. She had pulled me into the performance, and that was my first experience with dance. You've probably realised, but most of the dancers here were ex-orphans or ex-homeless. I myself  used to be a beggar child on the streets, so when she invited me to join the troupe, of course I was a little skeptical. But she was a stubborn girl, and dragged me to the studio; the home, the one we reside in now. She showed me around, and even gave me a room before I agreed. When I finally joined, she was ecstatic, and would talk to me hours on end about how she had planned so many things for us to do together. "

Aelin's mind was bursting with questions, but upon seeing the warm faint smile on Leila's face, he decided to only ask one.

"...If it's not to rude to ask, what was her name?"

Leila paused, but upon seeing the child's innocently curious face, she couldn't help but let a warm smile take over her expressions.

"Her name was Diana."

Aelin's eyes widened, his eyes widening as he started to predict where the conversation was heading.

"She had beautiful golden blonde hair, just like you, as well as these brilliant ruby eyes that charmed everyone she met, including me."

Leila chuckled before turning her head towards Aelin.

"It's funny you mention that you're from the Obelian Empire, because the last time we heard from her was when she was chosen to be invited to perform for the Emperor. She used to send us letters, but they started to come less often after she told us she had found her 'fated one'."

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