Chapter 5 - Magician

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Aelin decided to take a stroll in the garden. He was exhausted, after all, he had just met an important character. But his run in with Athanasia only confirmed his theory for him. The plot can be changed. He could have a chance at saving Athanasia, protecting her when she needed it. As he continued to stroll in the garden, he recalled the events that unfolded with Athanasia. He gently smiled to himself, Athanasia was like a sweet younger sibling, she needed protection and comfort, but she provided just as much protection and comfort in return. Thinking about siblings reminded Aelin of Jennette, and he wondered when Roger was ever going to reveal the truth to Jennette. He wondered if he was ever going to meet Jennette again, it was natural for him to worry since Jennette was his blood related sibling. As he continued to admire the flowers, a stranger suddenly appeared in front of him.

Who is this!? Where did this guy come from!?

The stranger reached his hands out and touched his hair. He could feel his fight or flight response screaming at him to do something, but he was frozen still. The stranger then lifted Aelin's chin, seemingly studying him as if he were some kind of specimen.

"How interesting... you oppose the chimera yet you share her blood..."

Aelin stared at the stranger in confusion. Upon further inspection, the stranger looked around the same age as him, with long black hair and ruby red eyes. Aelin opened his mouth to question the stranger, but the stranger leaned in next to his ear and whispered in a low voice.

"Be a good boy and stay where you are, I'll be back."

And like that, the stranger disappeared into thin air. Aelin stared in disbelief and confusion.




When Athanasia returned to the palace, she was greeted by an infuriated Claude and a pitiful Felix. Claude had immediately grounded her and forbid her from going outside her room for 3 days. She could hear Lucas snickering outside the door and a tick mark appeared on her forehead. When she went back to her room, she heard a question she never thought she would be asked.

"Where the hell were you? You weren't at that dog's house, and you came out of the forest, so just where the hell did you go?"

She stared at Lucas in disbelief and disappointment.

"I thought you would know? I mean, you're the one who sent me there in the first place, imagine, 'Great magician Lucas miscalculates teleportation and has no clue about the location'."

A tick mark appeared on Lucas's forehead as he glared at Athanasia in irritation.

"Yeah, yeah, now just tell me where you freaking were already!"

"Well, you sent me to the middle of the forest, I heard something, followed the noise, found a mansion, fainted, this really nice boy who I think was the head of the mansion took care of me, and then I came back.
...I really want to hug him again though... he smelled nice... he was really warm too..."

Athanasia buried her face in her hands. Bad wording, she sounded like a creep! Lucas narrowed his eyes.

"Describe the boy and the place."

Athanasia raised an eyebrow but complied anyways.

"Well, the maid said that the place was called Pearl Mansion, and the boy's name was Aelin. He was really nice and had this warm feeling around him that was kinda like Jennette, but with Jennette's warmth, it's kind of like resting in the comfort of silent darkness, with him it was kinda like... Uhm.... Sunbathing?"

"...What did he look like."

"Oh! Now that you mentioned it, this has been stuck in my head the whole time, but he kinda looked like a mini Papa but with green eyes! His eyes were also jeweled like mine, which was weird, and also the first reason why I was curious about him, maybe Papa knows something but I don't think it's a good idea to ask..."

As Athanasia mumbled on, Lucas was busy swimming in his own thoughts.
'This really is interesting. Claude is not known to have any other child, so the only other viable option for genes would be his rumored to be deceased brother. Interesting, very interesting...'
Lucas made up his mind to meet this boy, and threw on a cloak.

"Where are you going?"

"To meet the boy."


"Why are with suddenly so defensive?

"He's too good to meet a prick like you."

Athanasia dramatically wiped off a fake tear while Lucas suppressed the urge to defenestrate her.

He teleported out of the room and to the location that Athanasia had told him. When he landed, he was in the middle of a garden. He looked around  in awe and curiosity; although the place looked like it belonged to a noble, most nobles were obsessively organized, and meticulously sorted their gardens as if to show off wealth, this garden had different kinds of plants and flowers everywhere, there were daisies and tulips in the midst of carnations, peonies that accompanied lavenders, it was a burst of color wherever you looked. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a young boy walking in the garden. He looked about the same age of Athanasia and had looked just as she had described to him. He really did look like a mini Claude, all the way down to the expression. Blank and emotionless, yet his gaze wasn't cold like that of the emperor, but rather calm.

He teleported in front of the boy, startling him. Lucas reached a hand out and touched his hair, which was incredibly soft and silky. He then lifted the boy's chin and studied him.

"How interesting... you oppose the chimera yet you share her blood..."

The boy stared in confusion, his brows furrowing. His eyes were just like Athanasia had said, jeweled like those of the Royal Family, yet it was green instead of the royal's blue.

Just as the boy was about to speak, Lucas leaned into his ear and whispered in a deep voice.

"Be a good boy and stay where you are, I'll be back."

And with that he disappeared.

• ❖ • ❖ • ❖ • ❖ •


I'm so sorry if this chapter was short, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! I'm trying to speed up the release of chapters, so don't worry, I'll try to write and publish them faster!

These past few months I am just in disbelief of the attention this fic is gaining lmao

But HOW ARE YOU DOING? I HOPE UR DOING WELL!!! if you aren't feeling well or feeling down, I hope you feel better soon! I can't be there to comfort you in person, but just know that I'll always be cheering you on through the screen!٩( ≧▽≦ )۶

Gambatte! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧

Take care of yourselves, stay safe and hydrate!

Kiwii, out!

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