Chapter 4 - Comfort

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Athanasia stood up to leave but tripped over a branch, and caused the bush to shake. Alarms went off in her head as she heard footsteps approach her, but as she stood up to run, she felt a pang in her chest. She coughed violently and looked at her hands. Blood. As she heard the footsteps become faster, she started to sway as her vision started fading. She heard yelling as she fell on the ground and felt someone touch her wrist before she passed out.

When she opened her eyes, Athanasia was on a soft mattress with a warm, puffy blanket. She blinked a few times before sitting up, and looking around. She was in a surprisingly big room definitely smaller than the ones owned by the royal family, but definitely considered big normally. Like a mansion bedroom; big, but not as big as a palace or manor bedroom. Despite the room being big, unlike her room at the palace, the feel of the room was quite warm, even when she pushed the blanket away. She had expected to feel a bit chilly after sitting up, since her room was usually quite cool due to the vast amount of vacant space. But the room was just as warm as the rays of sunlight that poured through the windows looked. The walls of the room were painted a soft baby blue, and the bed itself was somewhere between a warm pearl and beige, giving it a soft cloud look. The windows were huge, but the view was outstanding.

The grass was a luscious jade color, and the trees stood tall and healthy, the barks of the tree a deep rich chocolate color and the leaves an emerald green. From the window she could also see the garden, with rows and rows of flowers; and unlike the flowers at the palace, which, yes, they were beautiful and stunning, but something with the flowers of this garden struck a chord within the young princess. Maybe it was how they were placed? Unlike the palace garden where all the plants were neatly organized and categorized, this garden seemed to have different kinds of flowers everywhere. She spotted a hydrangea bush just over a few lilies, different colors of roses in the same row, it felt so alive.

As Athanasia marveled at the garden, she heard a small knock on the door.

"I'm coming in."

The door opened and in stepped the same boy she had seen at the gazebo. Within closer inspection, this boy was quite the looker. Sunny blond hair that casted a slight shadow over his eyes. And his eyes, pale emerald green, that sparkled and shone in the sunlight like jewels. As he walked over to the seat beside Athanasia's (temporary) bed, the young princess felt calmed by his presence. It was a familiar feeling, just where had she felt this before...

Ah! Jennette.

...But not quite? Jenette's presence was definitely calming and warm, but it was the kind of calm that felt like you were being hugged by the gentle darkness, the warmth of the void embracing you, pulling you into a soft slumber. This boy's presence felt like the exact opposite. It felt like bathing in a pool sunlight, as the sun kisses you with it's warmth, the light gently combing through your hair, as you doze off in a field of dandelions. Athanasia's brain paced with theories and thoughts. What if he was the one who could save Claude? No, she mustn't get ahead of herself, she doesn't even know if he has magic or not. She watched as he placed a tray on the bedstand next to the bed, and sat down on the chair. The boy stared at her for a while before giving her a warm, gentle smile.

"How are you feeling? You were out for quite a while."

Athanasia didn't know whether she wanted to cry or hug him, so she stayed still. His voice was soft and gentle, and he spoke in a kind but mature tone. It could be compared to a mother or a caretaker comforting a child, gentle but mature. It was like someone opening their arms for a hug, while telling you "I'm so proud of you. You did so well. It's okay now." Tears welled up in Athanasia's eyes as comfort filled the air. She watched as the boy's expression morph into shock, before turning into worry and concern. He leaned in and wiped her tears, gently smiling at her before embracing her. Athanasia couldn't hold in anymore and sobbed into the boy's shoulder. The boy pat her on the back and gently caressed her head, running his fingers through her hair comfortingly.

"Shhh... it's okay. You're not alone. You must have suffered so much, right? Shhhh... it's okay. I'm with you. It's not going to hurt anymore, you're not going to hurt anymore. It's okay, you're not alone. I'm with you, don't worry..."

Athanasia held her grip tightly on the boy's shirt while he gently comforted her, as never-ending streams of tears fell down her cheeks with every choke and sob. When she finally calmed down, she let go of the boy and shrunk into the bed with embarrassment. She heard the boy chuckle softly and turned her head to face him.

"It's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed for being open about your feelings."

At that moment, for the first time in a while, Athanasia truly felt, well, safe.

"Alright, would you like to start over?"

Athanasia nodded.

"Alright then. My name is Aelin, would you like to tell me yours?"

Athanasia hesitated before speaking, afraid that she would cry again. The boy, Aelin, seemed to noticed and gave her an encouraging smile.

"*sniff* My name is Athanasia."

Aelin once again gave a warm, gentle, reassuring smile.

"See? You're doing great. Now, how are you feeling?"

"...My head kinda hurts."

"I see... Could you give me your hand for a moment?"

Athanasia slowly stretched her hand out, and Aelin gently put it on one hand, while putting his other hand on top of Athanasia's. The young princess marveled as a soft glow emitted from Aelin's hands, and suddenly, her small headache was cleared. Aelin let go of Athy's hands as she retracted her hand and stared at it in awe. She then looked back at Aelin, who tilted his head in response. As she was about to say something, the door burst open.


A maid with long elegant brown hair stood at the door, seemingly out of breath. Upon seeing the boy and the princess, she quickly bowed and closed the door. Aelin had to drag her back to the room, explain that she wasn't in trouble and that Athanasia was in good condition. After they got Athanasia ready, the maids ushered her to go back to the palace in fear of the emperor throwing a rampage. Aelin gave her directions on how to navigate through the forest back to the palace, and waved her goodbye. Athanasia skipped into the woods that day with a smile on her face, and a promise to go back and visit again some other day.


Selena and Aelin watched as Athanasia skipped into the woods with a smile on her face, as she hummed a little tune. When Athanasia had fully left their view, Selena looked at Aelin, but was shocked when she saw his expression. He held the softest, most gentle smile on his face.

"Y-young master smiled..."

His smile morphed into confusion as he turned to Selene.



Selene looked at his young master a final time, this time with a proud feeling pounding in her heart, proud that this was the boy she raised.

• ❖ • ❖ • ❖ • ❖ •

Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating in a while, I was on some serious burnout over the holidays, but I'm glad I got this chapter done!

On a side note, I'm siiiiiick :(
My throat constantly feels dry and every time I cough it gives me the ouchies. :(

1. Blame this chapter's mood on the music I listened to
2. WE HIT 2K!!!!!! WOOOOOO

Seriously, I can't thank you guys enough, and I'm so thankful for y'all putting up with my annoying uncoordinated post schedule.

With that being said, remember to take care of yourself, stay safe, and hydrate!


Kiwii, out!

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