Chapter 1 - Reminiscent

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He woke up in a blank void.

It was dark.


But it was welcoming.

He felt safe.

He felt warm.

He saw a little white light in the distance. He heard a shuffle, a muffled conversation, and a muffled cry of pain.

He reached his hand towards the light as it slowly started to pull him away from the warm embrace of the void. It pulled him in, ridding the void and instead embracing him in the light. This time it felt gentle, rather than empty. It was warm, but not like the warmth the void had given. This time he felt safe, but unlike the feeling he had in the void, he not only felt safe, but he knew that he was safe. He leaned into the light, accepting it's warm embrace, as he slowly opened his eyes...

He was in an unfamiliar room. He heard soft crying and whimpers. He could now hear the conversation with full clarity, it seemed like two people talking.

"Lady Judith, congratulations on your birth."

"... There's two..."

"...Yes Lady Judith, you've given birth to twins."


Judith... where had he heard that before...

He took a moment to realise the situation he was in. He was a newborn, and he had a twin. His birthgiver seemed to be this "Lady Judith" person, who seemed to have not anticipated twins. He noticed his "mother", Lady Judith, grab a pen and a sheet of parchment. He followed her hand as she jotted down something onto the parchment.

"Jennette & Aelin"


It seems like our MC finally caught up.

He was in Lovely Princess.

This "Lady Judith" was in fact Penelope Judith, ex-fiance of the Emperor. And the other baby next to him must be Jennette. He heard people rush into the room. He was too tired to check who they were, but he could hear the voice of a man, and his birth giver talking to said man. As his eyelids began to droop he heard his "mother" murmur something.

"He's blonde...Just like him..."

He didn't know what she meant, he was too tired. He closed his eyes and drifted into the darkness, as the sound of his own heartbeat soothed him to sleep.

From now on, Jung-hee was now Aelin.

❦ ❈ ❦

Aelin woke up in an unfamiliar area. Wasn't he in the Duke's office? It had been two weeks since Penelope had died, and Duke Alpheus had been taking care of him and Jennette. Aelin called out, to see if anyone was there. A maid with black hair stepped into the room. And walked over to the crib that he was in.

"Hey little guy! You're finally awake huh? My name's Selena, and you're at Pearl Mansion! We'll be taking care of you for a while, so please behave for us, alright?"

Pearl Mansion huh? Aelin was sure that the book hadn't mentioned about a place like this. Maybe it just wasn't important to the plotline so it was never mentioned? He gurgled out a small noise and made grabby hands at the maid. The maid cooed at the baby, reaching for him and gently picking him up from the crib. He let out another gargled noise, before his stomach started growling. Aelin blushed from embarrassment as the maid giggled, continuing to coo at the baby.

"Aww, are you hungry little guy? Let's get you something to fill up your tummy, 'kay?"

Selena exited the nursery with the baby in her arms and entered the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of already warmed milk and raised the nib of the bottle to the baby's face. Aelin quickly bit down on the nib and started drinking the milk. It felt so strange to be a baby, he was hungry all the time, people pampered him, and he had lower stamina, making him constantly feel tired. The maid stared at him with adoring eyes, and Aelin felt like maybe being a child was bearable. As he finished the bottle of milk, he released the nib of the bottle and closed his eyes, drifting away into the calming embrace of fatigue.

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