Chapter 1

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A/N: After a long time, I finally found inspiration to write Gemini. I will try to update Gemini as much as possible, but nothing is for sure.

Dedicated to @alistairyou for being the first to comment. <3

Horror gripped me as I stared at the woman before me. Just who was she?

I sneaked a peek out of my windows as a flash of lightning cracked the otherwise still night sky. It was not a drizzle or mild rain. It was the wrath the sky had on the city. The rains were so heavy that I could not look past a couple of buildings in my street.

A crackle of thunder revived me. My area, which was usually bustling during the night up until eleven PM, was drowned in darkness. My apartment had the current only because I had a battery.

"How?" Monisha whispered next to me. "Is Anita a divinator?"

"How the fuck would I know?" Sahara said in a trance, seeing the rain. "It's raining in May! In Chennai!"

I blinked at Anita. "How the hell did you predict this?"

She smiled mysteriously and twisted her long, thick hair in a bun. "I told you. I can predict a few things."

I stood up from my sofa and went out to the hall to switch off the plugs. As much as the owner of this apartment gave us assurance, we had to be careful.

Sahara and Monisha followed me out. While I took the television connection, Sahana went for the computer and Monisha took her phone from the charger.

Anita came out and leaned against the doorframe of her and Monisha's room.

It was a miracle how we came together to rent this place. At first, it was just me and Sahara who got this place. We were friends right from college and even ended up working at the same place.

Then it was Monisha and Anita who came and finally Farvin and Prakriti. We were just enough for now. Now was good.

Monisha twirled her black hair and gave Anita a sheepish grin. "Since you can predict... can you tell how Ankit is?"

Ankit, Monisha's ex-boyfriend.

Anita snorted and sat on the sofa in the living room. "I don't have to predict the future to know that. That guy treats you like shit and you keep going back to him. Are you a masochist?"

Sahara coughed. "You both broke up thrice. Even I can say how horrible your relationship is. Why are you concerned about him?"

The main door opened suddenly, and a drenched Farvin walked in. She threw her shoes in the foyer.

"Don't throw the shoes-" Monisha began. She was cut off by the glare the other woman gave.

With a vengeance, Farvin removed her green hijab and threw her purse on the dining table. With a loud groan, she went into her room and shut the door with a loud noise.

Sahara blinked. "I thought she had a date tonight?"

Anita fished her phone from the depths of the pillows on our long sofa. "I guess she has a story to tell."

Monisha glanced at the shut door again. "If she had just given anyone of us here a call."

I took a seat next to Sahara and Monisha laid down on Anita's lap.

"By the way," Sahara said, putting her phone down. "There is a new employee." She gave me a sideway eye. "And someone never told me."

A new employee? I nearly knew everyone who worked in Light. I might not know every employee, but I sure knew every leader of a project. Did she meet an intern or a fresher?

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