Chapter 7

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A/N: Try to guess what was happening!

Though I was not a dog, my nose picked up the rusty scent of blood when the elevator doors opened to my floor. The usually clean, white hallways were painted with blood as if red paint was on demand. Two security and a janitor who worked on this floor were piled up in a bunch.

From the blood tracks, I knew that whoever had killed them had dragged them to where their bodies were right now. This was Light! We had high security. Who would dare to cause a rampage here?

Just when I was about to turn and address the two men, I heard a scream. A very familiar scream. Maha.

Throwing my tablet on the floor, I ran to my office from where I heard the scream. Inside were five men and three women. A man held Maha's neck and squeezed it as she struggled.

Was murder acceptable?

As if they knew I would come, the one holding Maha turned to look at me and smiled. "Good girl. You came."

I gulped and stared at the girl in his hands. If I were to panic, no one would get out alive. But unlike fear that I thought would dominate my body, something was eager for blood. Something demanded blood.

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Who are you?"

He smirked. "I have your friend in my hand. You are in no position to question me."

Then I felt subtle movement behind me and I moved swiftly to see the two men from C-3 attack me with a knife. I clicked my tongue. C-3 was not this stupid to send people to kill me. They knew that if they ever harmed me, Gem would be after them and no one wanted an angry Gem after them.

"You're not from C-3," I said to them.

A woman who had green hair gave me a charming smile. "You can still talk calmly. Seems like the blood out was not a warning enough for you."

Another woman who had been going through my files retorted, "She is Kokila's daughter. Moria's scion. What did you expect?"

Moria's scion.

Ihitha's blood. 

Who was Moria? Who was Ihitha? Were they my mother's family or were they from my father's side?

An alarm rang in my head. What did these people have anything to do with my mother? Did they know her? Is that why they were after me now? Or did Pughazh letting me go triggered his wife's anger and she told my location to my grandmother's sister?

Who were these people?

Maha clawed the hands on her neck, but the man was not letting her go. Two men sat on the sofa in her office and were cuddling as if what was happening was unrelated to them. While one had rings on his hand and two chains, the other, the one who was clinging to him had dyed his hair half-blue and half-silver. The other two men were going through all the files from her shelves.

As for the three women, apart from the green-haired one who was smirking at me, one was searching the room and the other was going through her computer.

"What do you want?" I asked quietly. Then I glanced at the man who had died his hair of different colours. "You are here for me. Why bother with her?"

For a minute everyone paused. Even the man let Maha go and she was on the ground, panting for her breath.

He released his lover and smiled. "What made you think I led them?"

Ignoring the two men who had their knives on my back, I shrugged. "Didn't you?"

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