Chapter 9

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A/N: Another chapter. To those who have read Aries, you know what will happen here. 

The painful crash that I awaited did not come. As we descended down the atmosphere, it was like each descent unlocking a lock on me but at the same time constraining me. While the rational part of me was glad that I was safe, another part, the part that revelled in the song the winds sang, that somehow understood what they were trying to tell me was... sad. Like I had taken a favourite toy from a kid.

Though gravity pulled Gem with a force, making him land with a thud, he was gentle with me as much as possible. I did lose a shoe though. I was not going to forget. The entire descent was smooth, but I was not going to let the man know. Petty, I knew. But he brought that side out of me very often.

"Let me down, now!" I said when his feet were about to hit the ground. "Down now, Gem!"

"Okay!" Gem answered and I heard a smile in his voice. Did he know that I was faking it now? "See? You're not hurt!"

But that light in his eyes told me that he knew. He knew what I am doing and he was indulging me like I was a kid! I gritted my teeth. I had trusted him way too much and I did not have anything to complain about, but still, look how he was repaying me.

There was a question that bubbled inside me. Humans in general did not survive jumping down an aeroplane without any protection. On average, they died. Not on average, ninety-nine point nine per cent died. Yet, somehow, we both survived.

Unable to keep my mouth shut, I yelled, "But who the hell jumps from an aeroplane?"

"An aeroplane that was about to burst," Gem argued back. "You wanted to burn?"

Was this something he should be arguing about?

"What of the pilots?" I asked.

Gem began to walk towards the house in front of us. It was then I realised where he had... landed. There was no other house in front of us other than this one and the beach stretched on before us. A beach house. The possible figure of the house echoed in my mind and I had to shake it out. After holding the life in my hands, I should not be thinking if the price of this house, and yet, here I was.

Perhaps, Gem was not the only insane out of us both.

But other than that, several cars were parked on the lane and there were even a couple of motorcycles. Did we crash a party? I gave Gem a sideways look. That was on my bucket list, a list no one knows. How did he do it? Or... there was no party or Gem was simply being Gem. He loved to crash parties and he had done it very often.

"They had a parachute," he reasoned with me.

I was about to lose my cool. Losing a shoe was not enough, apparently.

"You don't?" I asked and then scoffed, "Of course, you don't. Cause you are not a normal human."

"Riga..." Gem drawled, just like he always did when he made a mistake and wanted me to forgive him. Not happening this time. "Come on, it's not my fault. I did not know that when I boarded the aeroplane we would be blasted in the sky."

Did he not say that he knew that the air hostess would bail on us? And that he wanted to see who was chasing us? But if I asked him now, he would argue that he did not know that the plane was going to blow up. He should have become a lawyer. He wasted his potential by becoming a businessman.

I looked at him in disbelief. "Gem! I swear-"

"Don't be like that, Auriga," Gem said. "If I can fly myself out of such a situation, why bother with a parachute?"

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