Chapter 5

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A/N: Yes, another update. Bring on the theories!

Anna-  Older brother. Could be used to address both biological brother and non-related people who you feel like a 'brother'. Stress on the word 'n'. Substitute tu in tuna with an. 

Chiti - Mother's younger sister or Father's younger brother's wife

Periyamma - Mother's elder sister or Father's elder brother's wife

Ammamma - Grandmother, specifically, mother's mother.

Patti - Grandmother.

Chittappa - Mother's younger sister's husband or Father's younger brother.

As much as I should have rushed back, I took my own sweet time. It was only after I had the late-night drama that was staged and the lazy breakfast did I leave. After all, no matter how much I hated Nathiya, my cousin, she had a miscarriage. That pain was not something I would wish upon anyone.

The Chennai heat blasted my face when I walked out of the airport with Gem. Apparently, he had a meeting and he came back. Tejat wanted the vacation with Sahara and Farvin was living her life. Anita disappeared after that night and Prakriti and Monisha were the ones who was sane enough to come back. But now, they were walking at least ten feet behind us, as if they would intrude on something.

I booked an Uber and when the cab came, Gem helped me with my luggage. Just as I was about to ask him to get in, he shook his head. "Get going. I can take another car."

Monisha and Prakriti blinked at each other and suddenly pretended to not understand the language we spoke.

I motioned for the two to get in. "It does not matter-"

He coughed lightly. "Your friends are not comfortable with me around. I will take another."

I shook my head and got in. I stared at him through the side mirror.

"Madam?" the driver asked. "Shall we go?"

"Yes," I sighed. "You can go."

I kept seeing him until the cab took a turn and I could no longer see him. I raised the air-conditioner up and leaned against my seat, ignoring the two stupid girls who were behaving weirdly.

"Why did he not come with us?" Monisha asked finally.

"He said that you were not comfortable with him around," I said.

"No!" Monisha protested. "It's not like that. It's just that... just that... help me, Kriti. I can't find the right words."

Kriti mulled for a few seconds before she said, "It was like you both were in one world ever since we boarded the aeroplane. Even the air hostess dared not interrupt you. We did not want to burst the bubble."

Monisha snapped her fingers. "Yes. That's right."

I gaped at them. "We were just talking about a new project. A new intern submitted a proposal which was too good. It was a low budget and if it is successful, it might change a lot of things. Including a director, if I might add."

"Yeah," Kriti and Moni drawled at the same time. "Sure."

Did they think that I would flirt with them around? I was not that stupid.

"Trust me!" I protested. "It was nothing!"

They both shared a look but refused to comment further. What originally had been a few minutes of travel became a forty-five-minute one after the traffic. By the time we reached the hospital, Monisha was sleeping on Kriti who was engrossed in a serial.

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