Chapter 4

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A/N: Tell me if what Auriga did was right? 

All I could do was stare at the man in front of me. What I did was wrong. I knew. But whenever it concerned about Gem, I lose my rationality.

A part of me wanted to know everything about this man. Just like he knew mine. But he was evasive. There were times when I just comforted myself that I could not confess to him because he had never completely let me into his world. But was that the reason?

He chuckled again. "Heard to your heart's content?"

My face burned, but there was a raging storm in my heart. A storm of questions and unsaid answers. But I could just say, "What?"

His eyes usually shone like stars of the midnight sky and now that they were laced with amusement, I could just stare at him. 

"Heard everything you want to hear?"

I blinked. Not exactly. "No... I mean, I did not mean to hear it. I was talking to Farvin and then I heard you guys, you and Tejat and so, I came here. Not that I wanted to eavesdrop. Not at all. I will forget that you ever had a conversation with him."

He closed his eyes and sighed. A breeze rose to life and caressed him in its loving arms, ruffling his hair as a mother would do to her child. Despite not looking into his eyes, I felt a flash of pain in him. It was the pain of losing something very important.

He licked his lips and opened his eyes, locking his gaze with mine. For a minute, I could not breathe under that intensity. "It was nothing," he whispered. "That night, the boys and I were -"

I held my hand up. "If you don't want to tell me, it's fine, Gem. Don't force yourself." I chuckled at my own delusion. "You don't have to explain it to me. I am not your girlfriend or your wife. At the best, I am your friend and at worst, your assistant. You don't owe me anything."

He stared at me without even blinking. His eyes became darker and his breaths deeper. He clenched his fists and his jaws. After being with him for so many years, if I did not even know that he was forcing himself to explain to me, I might as well resign from my job.

I wanted him to confess voluntarily. Say because he wanted to. Share his activities because I was a part of his world. Not because I was forcing him. Not because if he did not answer, it would strain our relationship.

I would rather let him be him than do things he did not want to do.

Suddenly, his arms came around my body and he hugged me fiercely, as if, I would disappear at any second. As if, I would walk out on him and his entire life would crumble to dust.

Every time we hugged, there was a touch of healing, a soothing sensation washing over my heart. It was calm and gentle. But now, it was a torrent of emotions. A hidden passion. Timeless love.

No, it did not walk on to me calmly, it was just like its owner, a hurricane that uprooted every reason I had told myself. When his hot skin touched mine in a frenzy, all the reservations I had about myself snapped. This moment could last just a minute, but I just wanted it to be us. Time may speed up, according to the laws of the universe, but this moment would forever be frozen in me.

"Riga," he whispered in my ears, his breath tickling my sensitive earlobes. "Riga."

Somehow, I knew he did not expect an answer from me. That he was just calling my name because he wanted to.

He inhaled deeply and sighed again. He took a step forward and forced me to take one. This went on until I was locked between him and a tree behind me.

My heart lurched. This had happened only once... in my dream when I had desired him way too much. So much so that I had taken a week off after that night, unable to face him.

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