Chapter 12.1

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A/N: I am back, guys! I am so thankful for you guys waiting. I have finished my final exams.

I will try my best to update regularly. And this chapter... might just change a few things you know ;)

His arrogance had a meaning. After all, he was the brightest star under Gemini. His best commander. And for the past few hundred years, Gemini's face in his absence.

Nearly no one could stop him if he wanted data. A few existed to annoy him, like the female before him, but yes, even the council treated him with respect, fearing the one backing him.

Gemini was unpredictable in that way. One moment he would be laughing with you and the next, he would walk away as if he did not kill you. He always kept his ways mysterious.

Not like Aries who was hot-blooded or Taurus who was level-headed.

"He should have sent Alhena," she said. "She is much easier to deal with than you."

Pollux smiled lightly. "She is my Soul-Bound, Capella. You can talk to me the way you talk to her."

Capella scowled. "Tell Gemini that I can't give the details."

He was not sure why, but Pollux was sure that he had forgotten a major piece of information about this star in front of him. Like he was scared of this female and he hid from her.

Despite being upright and strict, he admired Capella. She was one of the few stars who stood by him during the Bind Wars. As much as it was her subordinate who betrayed Cosmos, if it was not for her, Alhena would have been long dead. And for that, he was grateful.

Hamal snickered as he neared them. Pollux frowned. What did this star have here? This was one of the lines that ran through time and space. If you moved carefully, you could find a pocket here that could hold you safe until you reach where you want to.

As a star, this would be the last place Pollux would ever come. If he wanted to go somewhere, he could go. He did not need to use a line. But Capella was here and Gemini said she had something he wanted to know.

And this Hamal, he was a star under Aries. The Binds had been loosening for the past few years and Hamal had been dispatched to the borders.

"What are you doing here?" Pollux asked. "Did Aries order you something?"

Hamal gave him a weird smile. "I saw a line in the border and when I travelled through it, I came here. You think I would come here out of my free will?"

Pollux moved a few inches back. "A line in the border leads straight here? In the middle of Cosmos' region?"

Hamal nodded. "Yes. That's what I am looking into. And the line that appeared there was a thing of the past. I have no idea what to do now."

Capella gave very tense vibrations. If she had a human form, she would not doubt roll her eyes. "Obviously someone thought of this so far in the past that they left a line."

"Someone could leave a line?" Pollux asked. "I thought they were the proof that Cosmos could not completely erase the things of previous rulers."

Capella stopped whatever she was doing. "The race before us are the Ecthos. And a few still live. How can they completely disappear?"

Pollux narrowed his eyes. "Just what were you searching about, Capella?"

The other star hummed. "A pocket in time, Pollux. You know that I am interested in the mechanics of how things work. I started working on these lines. And ever since we stars could travel fast, no one used these lines anymore. But recently, a star used it and I became curious as to why she was doing it."

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