Chapter 14

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The digital clock read eight-thirty. The clothes were a perfect fit and the material was wonderful. No wonder I once heard Kaamini say that once people tried clothes from this brand, they would never choose another.

I left the room to see Alhena and Tejat on the couch and Sahara dozing off on Tejat's lap. Monisha winced and glared at the IV as if it was the bane of her existence.

"What happened?" I asked.

Sahara stirred, and Tejat hushed her, and she fell right back to her sleep.

Alhena grinned at Monisha. "The nurse came in to give her a dose of antibiotic. This drug stings a little."

"A little?" Monisha hissed. "I want to pull my vein out."

I smiled. "How long must she be here?"

Alhena said, "They will give the last dose tonight. After that, Monisha is free to go. But Prakriti... I am not sure. The doctors do not know why she is not awake. The wounds... as much as they look frightening, they are superficial. No artery or anything was broken. The chief doctor who came this morning suspects that... that she is rejecting her mate bond subconsciously and hence, she is not awake."

"And Anita is there with her?" I asked.

Alhena nodded. "She won't allow anyone inside."

"Even you?"

"I can enter," Alhena said. "But I would intrude. It's not my place to advise them. Anita made a mistake, and this is the price she paid. She regrets after she has gone too far."

They had removed the ECG electrode from Monisha's body. Just a saline drip was going on.

"That witch... Lillian," Monisha started. "And Jair told me that Anita had 'claimed' Kriti."

Alhena winced. "Not completely claimed. Prakriti does not have her mate's mark. It's... more like a bold statement. Saying that I have my intentions on her as my mate and I am wooing her."

"She does not have any rights," Monisha whispered. "Anita lost it when she broke her heart."

Alhena looked at the couple, one who was sleeping peacefully and the other stroking her hair tenderly. "Perhaps that's why Prakriti has not woken up. Still, it's a bond between them."

Monisha nodded and was lost in her thoughts.

"Well then, Alhena, can you tell me where the canteen is?" I asked. "I need coffee."

"I'll come with you?" she asked.

I shook my head. "I can manage. Both of you are here. If anything happens, I think you will rush in immediately."

"You're right. The canteen is on the second floor."

I left the room and Alhena went back to scrolling her phone and Tejat closed his eyes as if he too was resting.

Whistling, I walked down the corridor. I had been on the VIP floor, where it was quiet. Only two rooms were occupied, one by Moni and the other by Kriti.

I wanted to enter Kriti's room to check how she was doing, but I held myself back. Anita was sitting next to Kriti, holding her hand, and watching her. She did not say anything, but her eyes told me everything. Why had she pushed Kriti away in the first place? And why want her now? I would talk to them, but only when Kriti was awake. It would do no good to talk to Anita alone.

When I came to the common floors, I realised how famous this hospital was. There were simply too many people on this floor and from the elevator I just took, I knew I was currently on the eighth floor and this was just the seventh floor. I did not need to think about the ground floor which had the emergency department.

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