Chapter 10

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A/N: This is a long chapter. Quite long. At least twice the size of a normal chapter. 

Anyway, Enjoy!

The winds stirred fast and swiftly. Chaos took its throne in the room, but I was calm. As much as people screamed and shouted, I found a weird peace within me.

I frowned. The calmness that routed in me had nothing to do with the argument going around me. And had to do everything with the memory that came to me. Somehow that had been an important memory. Like the one, I had a few days ago.

For some reason, I felt fear beneath the anger in periyamma's voice. As much as she said she wanted to snap my neck, she was afraid. She was terrified.

But afraid of what? Me? Gem? Or her husband?

I glanced at Gem who was talking with Aries in a hushed whisper as if they knew something. I blinked. They could know something. After all, they had taken a zodiac for their name.

Lyra massaged her forehead like an exasperated mother, while a blond man came up to her. They spoke but over the noise, I could not hear the conversation. For some reason, I wanted to go up there and smack their head. I shook my head.

I hardly knew Lyra and I did not even know the blond guy's name. Did I want to smack them? What was wrong with me? I usually let my playful side around my girls. And sometimes around Gem. Whenever he irritated me, I messed up his things. He would roar my name in anger but there was nothing he could do. He would glare at me as he fixed the mess up.

"Enough!" Lyra shouted over the ruckus. "Enough!"

Just like that, the commotion stopped.

Lyra shook her head. "Rhaze, Kaina, Miguel, Aspen," she called. "Corvus, Zahra, Gemini, and Riga. Follow me and Aries to the conference room. We will try our best to say it to you. After then, you can judge."

Why me? Like what did I do? Why was I being pulled into this? I already have enough on my plate. My two friends were in hospital and I had to rush there. And after knowing the possibilities of the people here, I was not very optimistic about my friends. The only reason I was able to be calm was that I trusted Dakshi in this.

From the way a few people's faces raged, I knew that going in there would not be wise.

But no one contradicted Lyra. They went still as if her voice held power. A power that somehow had no hold on me and the only reason I stayed silent was that I knew next to nothing about the people here. I would not trust myself.

Go in, Riga, Gem said, despite looking at others in amusement. Lyra might have answers to a few of your questions.

You're not going to say it? I asked reflexively.

It's not that I don't want to say it, he sighed. But I... I have my own constraints. It would be better if you hear it from her. You can ask me questions later. I'll be able to answer that. But to tell you all by myself, that I can't do. She... the one who promised, she should have explained it to you. Since she had not done it, it has put us in this mess.

Who? I asked. Weirdly, I had a feeling that I might know this 'she'.

Hasseleh, he said.

I nearly froze. Hasseleh. The name of the woman whom I once called periyamma. The one who had claimed to be my mother's eldest sister. The one Nathiya said was not blood-related to them. The one who even my grandmother's sister was afraid of.

What should she have told me? I asked.

Surprise flashed on his face, as he masked it. Everything. She should have told you everything. That had been part of our bargain.

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