Chapter 2

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A/N: It's been ages since I updated Gemini. I know. I hope that I will be able to update at least twice a month (My university load is getting higher and The courses which should have been for a year, I have to complete it in half year's time. It's tiring.)

Anyway, for those who don't know, I will put up a glossary here for the language used here. if this works, I will maintain it for all the books henceforth.

Chiti - Mother's younger sister or Father's younger brother's wife

Periyamma - Mother's elder sister or Father's elder brother's wife

Ammamma - Grandmother, specifically, mother's mother.

Patti - Grandmother.

Chittappa - Mother's younger sister's husband or Father's younger brother.

Omam - A sacred fire... it's like a ritual.

Rasmallai - a type of sweet.

Mehandi - some may know this as Henna. It is dye kept on your hand... I will leave a picture at the end of the chapter.

Hope this helps! If this chapter could be read more smoother, I will try to incorporate other cultures in too. If it is not working, do comment.


I stared at the woman in the mirror. My designer saree was a pale blue wich bled to a darker blue shade. Technically, being a close cousin of the bride, the custom and society required me to wear a silk saree. But I came here just for what my Ranji chiti said. Who cared if Vanita was getting married or not?

Ranji chiti, my mother's younger sister came into my room and frowned. I knew what she was frowning at. My accessories. Or rather, the lack of it. To complement my blue saree, I had chosen an oxidised silver long chain and a choker and a matching earring. I had yet to wear my bangles and my bracelet.

"You!" she swore, coming in. "I have a perfect set in gold-"

"I don't like that," I cut her off, slipping on the metallic bangles. "I prefer this, don't you know?"

She turned me around and held my face in her hand. "I know. But this is your sister's wedding. Must you dress so simple?"

I shook her hand off and turned to face the mirror again. "You of all know why. I don't belong in this family, chiti. You know. I know. Everyone knows," my voice trailed off at the end. The corners of my eyes turned red and just the fact that I had to redo my mascara kept me from crying. "I just wonder what my mother did. Why my custody was left with grandma? Could the court not have given it to my father's family?"

She froze for a minute before she shook her head sadly. "Kokila would have wanted you to be with us."

I resisted the urge to swear at her. "If she truly loves me the way I think she does, she would not have. Which mother would leave her child in a family like this?"

A couple of kids from the groom's side ran into the room and we both smiled at them. The younger girl giggled at us and ran out with the older one on her tail.

She locked the door behind her. "You are dead set on cutting your ties with this family? You will not even think of me?"

I literally had no words for her. "Were my actions four years ago not enough?"

I calmly wore my bracelet and faced her. We both did not share a hint of any resemblance. And I could not compare it with my mother's, for I had never seen her. My ammamma, my mother's mother said that my mother died soon after I was born and they did not have any pictures of her. Apparently, my mother, Kokila was very similar to her sisters. I must have taken after my father, someone who my family did not know in her eyes. "You were just being rebellious! You just wanted to go out to enjoy-"

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