Chapter 1

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S.1 Episode 1

"Scott, hey, I'm getting another call," You mumbled, pulling your phone away from your ear. Your eyes widened a little at the name Lydia Martin. "Oh, what the fuck?"

"What, is it Stiles?" Scott asked in a boyish tone. Stiles can't keep his mouth shut when it comes to his best friends. So of course, Scott instantly knew about the moment the two of you shared the other night. You rolled your eyes at the power he had over the two of you, and he used it constantly to make you blush or shut up.

"First off, stop doing that. It makes me feel weird because it was just a-"

"Heat of the moment thing. Righht, okay. Anyways- *click* ... Hello? Y/N?" He held his phone in astonishment as he chuckled and continued to thread the laces of the head on his lacrosse stick.

"Lydia, hey! What's up?" You asked with a smile, already knowing what her call had to do with, making your way to the computer.

"Heyyy, girly. Whatcha doin?" She said sweetly. You knew the tone all too well.

"Do you need me to email you this week's notes?"

"How do you know I wasn't just calling for a quick chat with my best gal pal?" She quickly retaliated, only to receive silence on your end. "Okay, fine. Yes, I think I left them in Jackson's car but he isn't answering my calls. I just wanted to review for the summer reading quiz tomorrow. Could you send me pics?"

"Yeah, one step ahead of you," You laughed. "You should be getting them right about... now."

"Thanks," She softened her tone. "If you ever need anything, let me know."

"Oh, it's really no problem," You sweetly dismissed her empty proposal. "And don't worry, I won't tell anyone you asked me for them."

"I appreciate it," She giggled. "But seriously, thank you!"

You opened your mouth to say something before familiar screams filled the silence.

"Yeah uh no biggie," You quickly replied as you looked out your window to see Stiles hanging upside down and Scott holding a bat. "Oh god. I gotta go. Bye!"

You quickly threw on a pair of sneakers and hurried out of your front door. You rushed up to boys who were now both upside right, only to catch the last part of a conversation that you weren't exactly sure you wanted to ask about.

"That's the best part. They only found half," Stiles bounced in place excitedly. "We're going."

"..Where? And found-"

The boys screamed louder than the first time, making you jump in response. Scott held his bat up defensively as Stiles jumped behind him and grabbed his shoulders.

"At ease, you fucking idiots!" You shouted. "It's me! Put the bat down!"

"HOW DO YOU JUST APPEAR OUT OF NOWHERE LIKE THAT?! My god," Stiles yelped, holding his hand over his heart. "We need to put a bell on you."

"I literally jogged over here," You deadpanned. "Leaves were crunching and everything, I don't know what to tell you."

"Just out of curiosity, have you ever like, oh I don't know, overheard conversations I probably wouldn't want you knowing about?"

"Oh yeah, like at least a dozen," You smiled as he released an embarrassed groan. "But where are you going at this hour? Also who found half of what?"

"Nothing," Scott answered. You gave him an unamused look while you walked up the stairs of his porch. "Y/N, trust me, you don't want to know."

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