Chapter 10

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"Danny!" You jogged up to him as he walked out of the locker room.

"Oh, hey! What's up?" He smiled, stopping in his tracks to turn towards you.

"Have you seen Stiles? I've been looking for him since the game started."

"No, I haven't," He shook his head, looking at you with concern. "Is everything okay? He was supposed to play first line tonight."

"God, I hope so," You mumbled, looking down at your phone to see that you hadn't gotten any new notifications. "I'm going to keep looking for him. Thanks for the help!"

"No problem, good luck," He readjusted his bag before walking out of the building.

You sighed walked back to the locker room to see if Scott had come out yet only to see and hear absolutely nothing. You sighed and walked out towards the parking lot to see that, with the exception of Danny's leaving car, it was completely vacant. You shook your head and desperately checked your phone again, hoping for something- anything but the radio silence he's been leaving you in since he dropped you off after school.

Disappointment haunted the pit in your stomach. No luck. You knew he wouldn't have missed the game for anything shy of an emergency, so your mind raced quicker by the minute trying to figure out what happened. You sat down on a nearby bench, deciding to text Scott to meet you at your mom's car when you heard the familiar sound of tires skidding into the parking lot. You looked up to be greeted by a pair of circular lights in need of cleaning.

"Y/N!" Stiles squeaked, running towards you. "Something's wrong! Where's Scott?!"

"Locker room. What happened-"

"No time, come on!"

He sprinted past you, grabbing your wrist and heading into the building. Your eyes darted to his silhouette, checking to see if there was any sign of an injury as you ran through the dark halls. No blood, no limp, or cuts from what your eyes could pick up. Your legs could barely keep up as he ran up to the locker room.

"Dude! We have a huge problem!" Stiles cried frantically as you burst in the door. Scott simply sat on the bench with a concerned look on his face.

"Trust me, I know."

"You know?" Stiles paused. "You know that Peter Hale is the Alpha?!"

"Yeah, he just fucking left."

"The comatose uncle?! I fucking knew it!" You shouted, earning annoyed looks from the boys trying to figure out what to do. "What? I called it."

"He wants me to help him kill everyone who was responsible for the Hale House fire," Scott groaned, letting his head drop into his hands. "He basically said he was going to do it with or without me, but if I joined his pack, he'd keep Allison alive."

"Oh shit. Did the Argents have something to do with it?"

"I think so. So he dug his claws into my neck and somehow gave me his memories. I saw everything. The fire, his family burning to death, his comatose memories- everything!" Scott cried, standing up in a huff. "But that's not even the crazy part. Derek's on his side."

"Wait, what?" You jumped in. "What about Laura? Was Peter not the one who killed her?"

"He murdered her in cold blood, dude. And Derek knows it was him! All he had to say was that it was an accident and accidents happen," He shook his head. "I don't understand what the hell is even going on anymore. I feel like everyone I thought I knew is flipping script! Your dad, Derek, Allison, Peter-"

"Your dad?" Stiles asked you, furrowing his brows. "What did your dad do?"

"Nothing," You brushed him off, making his lips part in slight shock at the dismissal. "Scott, Derek's gotta have some motive behind it. There's absolutely no way he's just going along with this. He doesn't seem like the one to side with anyone, let alone the man who killed the only real family he had left... But let's get out of here, we can keep talking about this in the car. Stiles, follow behind us."

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