Chapter 7

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S1 Episode 7

"Lock it! Lock it!" Scott yelped after you got pushed through the door. You fell onto your knees, feeling them hit the ground hard.

"Do I look like I have a key?!" Stiles shouted.

"Grab something that can hold it closed!" You jumped in, looking around, and into the classroom to your left.

"Like what?" Stiles asked you, before making the all-too-familiar "I have a really stupid idea face" and peeking his head out of the window above him.

"Oh my god," Your eyes widened at the thought of him going out to get the tool he dropped while running in. "You're not seriously about to-"

"Stiles, no," Scott demanded.

"Yes," He said, patting Scott's chest before reaching for the door. You felt your heart drop into the stomach as you reached for his arm. You pulled him in for a quick kiss before looking into his eyes.

"I just needed to do that before you go fucking kill yourself," You said, knowing there was nothing you could do or say that would make him change your mind.

"Not exactly the boost of confidence I was expecting, but I'll take it," He nodded sarcastically before turning around and slowly opening the door.

You and Scott pressed against the doors' windows and watched him anxiously. You couldn't help but to hold your breath as Stiles bent down to grab the tool. You practically felt your soul leave your body when you heard Scott abruptly scream and bang against the door. You screamed as you saw the Alpha come out behind Stiles' jeep, moving out of the way as he rushed back into the building and placed the block in between the doors.

The boys both stood in place and peeked out the windows again.

"Where is it?" Scott breathed, handing Stiles the flashlight. "Where'd it go?"

"Are you fucking stupid?" You scolded, pulling their shoulders back from the glass. "That thing won't hold, we need to-"

A bone-chilling howl interrupted you, making you freeze in place. You all looked at one another in utter silence before taking off. The boys sprinted behind you as you ran into your math class. They attempted to move the desk, stopping as soon as it made a screeching noise.

"Shh! Stop, stop," Stiles held up his hand before looking over his shoulder. "The door's not gonna keep it out- it's your boss!"

"What?" You both asked, perplexed at the idea that the sweet man you worked for was the killer waiting for you outside.

"Your boss," He repeated.

"No," You blew off the idea. "No way-"

"Yes, yes way! Murdering psycho werewolf!"

"It can't be him," Scott muttered. You nodded and pointed at him in agreement.

"Oh, come on!" Stiles scoffed. "He disappears, and that thing shows up ten seconds later to toss Derek twenty feet through the air? That's not convenient timing?"

"It's not him," Scott argued desperately. You fell silent at his logic, feeling anxiety bubble in your chest at the thought.

"He killed Derek."

"No, Derek's not dead. He can't be!"

"Blood spurted out of his mouth, okay? That doesn't exactly qualify as a minor injury. He's dead and we're next-"

"Okay! This doesn't seem like the time to argue over who it is or isn't!" You snapped. "What do we do?"

"We get to my Jeep, we get out of here, you guys seriously think about quitting your jobs, good?" Stiles breathed before running off to the nearest window. You ran your hands through your hair, taking a step back to try to keep the impending panic attack at bay. You closed your eyes as their voices meshed into nothing but inaudible mumbles. There was no fighting the terror buzzing through every nerve in your body, but you felt your mind slowly submit into numb disassociation.

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