Chapter 5

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S1 Episode 5

"Hey, birthday girl!" You beamed, walking up to Allison.

"Shh!" She widened her eyes. "I really don't want people to know! But uh, thank you."

"You're welcome?" You asked, with a smile on your face no less. "So got any plans tonight? I'm free if you wanna throw a little get-together. You know, food, cake, booze, whatever you'd like!"

"Oh, um," She laughed nervously. "I think I have to spend it with my family since my aunt is in town, unfortunately. But maybe this weekend?"

"Sure thing! Maybe a sleepover at my place or Lydia's?" You suggested. "That is if she ever answers my texts. Have you seen her this morning?"

"Actually, no," She furrowed her brows. "That's weird. I wonder if she's okay."

"I'll drop by her place after school if I still haven't heard anything," You readjusted your backpack, getting ready to walk off to your locker. "Also, I feel like I should let you know that she decorated your locker with like a shit ton of balloons yesterday. Had I known you didn't want to make any fuss, I would've stopped her. I'm sorry-"

"No, no, it's okay!" She sighed before pulling you into a hug. "Thanks for the heads up. And for the happy birthday. You're seriously such a good friend."

"Oh god.." You chuckled nervously, earning a confused look from your friend. "You should probably know that I told-"

"Hey, today's your birthday?" Scott practically skipped up to the two of you, making you both laugh. "What?"

"Nothing, lover boy," You pat his shoulder once before walking off. "See you guys in class!"

After a quick trip to your locker, you took your seat only to notice that the vast majority of your friends were gone. It made you wonder if there was something you didn't know about so you shot your best friend a text.

You continued on with your day, weirdly enjoying the silence. You managed to focus on the lectures and take notes without a lick of gossip or wolf drama. It was nice to feel like a normal high school student for once, but you also missed having your loud friends around. You closed your locker between classes to see Stiles standing behind it, giving you an angry glare.

"Is everyone just avoiding me today?" He asked, annoyed.

"I was just starting to wonder the same thing actually," You laughed. "Where is everyone? Did I not get the memo for sophomore ditch day or something?"

"Wait, so you haven't seen Scott either?" He questioned, beginning to walk to your shared chemistry class.

"I haven't seen Scott, Allison, Lydia, or Jackson today," You answered.

"Well, I think I know where the last two are," Stiles began, pulling you aside from the large crowd of people, lowering his voice.. "I was with my dad last night that there was a 1-8-7."

"A 1-8 what?"

"A murder," He said as if it should be obvious. "C'mon, I've gone over these codes with you before!"

"I tend to zone out when you do that," You smirked. Stiles sighed before continuing.

"Okay, so basically, there was a dead body found at Video 2C-"

"Another one?! And wait the video store?"

"Yes, another one. Yes, the video store. Let me finish!" He waved his arms, making you smile at his goofy way of expressing frustration. "Lydia and Jackson were there! I think they might've seen the alpha."

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