Chapter 2

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S.1 Episode 2

"So Scott tried killing me today, how was your day?" Stiles said casually as you answered his video call on your laptop, making you choke a little bit on the water you sipped.

"I'm sorry, did I just hear you correctly?" You coughed, wiping your chin.

"Yeah, he like totally lost control. Jackson was being a dick and Coach was taunting him," Stiles spoke quickly, words filled with either excitement or anxiety. "So then he tackled Jackson and-"

"His pulse got too high?" You finished. He nodded quickly. "Isn't getting angry like a trademark of playing lacrosse?"

"Uh, yeah! But listen, listen- I walked him to the locker room and this man went ballistic. He was in the ceiling and on top of the lockers, trying to KILL ME!" Stiles waved his arms dramatically.

"I'm assuming you want my sympathy?" You smirked, making him roll his eyes. "Awww poor Stiles. His big bad werewolf friend tried attacking him!"

"Shut up," He chuckled, holding up his toy gun. "Or else."

"Oh my god put that down before you hurt yourself," You laughed. "No, but on a serious note, you're okay, right?"

"Oh yeah. I had to grab the fire hydrant to snap him back to reality but we're both good," He put his gun down next to him. "But, uh, I told him he should step down from first line and focus on getting everything under control. What's your opinion on that?"

"I mean it's definitely not the worst idea," You shrugged, kicking your feet onto your desk and leaning back into your chair. "But I'm sure we could find another way to control his anger. I don't think it's fair to him to take away the one thing he's been dreaming of and working for since middle school."

"I don't think it's fair to let him take human lives," Stiles practically shouted. "Y/N, you didn't see him. I've never been so afraid in my life!"

"Oh man.. That bad huh? Maybe we should come up with a plan," You leaned forward. "Let's take the night to think of something. We can brainstorm tomorrow. But hey, I need-"

"Okay, I just needed to fill you in on today before I could add Scott to the call. That way you knew what was going on. Hang tight," His screen paused shortly before he came back with Scott online too. You didn't have much time to be on the call though since you wanted to review today's notes.

"How much would you hate me right now if I told you guys I have to study?" You winced in anticipation of the inevitable ridicule.

"Just listen to this and then you can go nerd out with your books," Stiles scolded. "Jackson's got a separated shoulder."

"Because of me..?" Scott asked. You frowned at the news.

"Because he's a tool. The thing is, they don't know if he can play yet. Now they're just counting on you for Saturday," Stiles answered, earning a disgruntled sigh from his friend. You pursed your lips and looked away, not being able to watch your best friend's dream shatter. After a moment of silence, you looked up to see a figure standing behind Scott.

"Uh, Scott-" You started before seeing Stiles type it looks like someone's behind you. The figure looked like it belonged to Derek Hale. You felt your heart speed up in a panic, and before you could even process what you were doing, you jumped out of your chair and darted out of your room.

"Y/N don't!" Stiles shouted from the computer as he watched you dart away from your computer. He groaned and hit his keyboard.

You ran out of your door barefoot and as quick as you could to Scott's front door. You easily opened it, mentally cursing whoever left it unlocked. The stairs were climbed in a matter of seconds before you barged into Scott's room, only to see him hyperventilating against the wall next to his bathroom door.

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