Chapter 4

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S.1 Episode 4

"I knew it wasn't Derek," You said, the boys looked over at you in shock. "I've explained it before. I read somewhere that an alphas' eyes glow red. Aren't his blue?"

"Then if Derek's not the one who bit you, who did?" Stiles asked Scott.

"I don't know."

"Did the alpha kill the bus driver?" He continued to press.

"I don't know.." Scott mumbled, clearly upset.

"Does Allison's dad know about the-"

"I don't know!" He finally snapped. "Jeez."

"How'd you do?" You smiled over at the boys, trying to change the subject.

"A," Stiles said. "You?"

"A+," You smirked, peeking over at Scott's paper and widening your eyes at the odd grade.

"Dude, you need to study more," He said, leaning over his best friend's shoulder. Scott rolled his eyes and flipped his paper over. "That was a joke. Scott, it's one test. You're gonna make it up," Stiles said simply. "Do you want help studying?"

"No, I'm studying with Allison after school today," He replied.

"That's my boy!" Stiles smirked.

"We're just studying."

"That's so cute," You smiled. "Just studying. Need a condom?"

"You have a condom?" Stiles' face was riddled with curiosity and a little jealousy. "Actually, don't answer that. Scott, you're not going to her house to just study."

"I'm not?"

"Not if I'm forced to live vicariously through you," Stiles stated sternly, making you hold back a chuckle. "If you go to her house today and squander that colossal opportunity, I swear to God I'll have you de-balled."

"Okay. Just- Stop with the questions, man," Scott mumbled.

"Done. No more questions," Stiles agreed. "No more talk about the Alpha or Derek... Especially Derek.. who still scares me."

"Okay, but who doesn't?" You jumped in, making Scott smile softly.

"You don't," Stiles boasted.

"Yes, she does," Scott laughed.

"No. Okay, there's a difference between someone making you nervous and being scared of them," Stiles rambled, pausing when he realized he was self-incriminating himself. "Not that you make me nervous or anything. I'm not saying that you-

"Oh?" You quirked a brow, making him blush. "Well, lucky for you, I'm getting checked out early today. I won't be the cause of any nervousness."

"Wait what?" Stiles asked. "So I'm not taking you home?"

"In your dreams, dude," Scott chuckled, giving you a subtle high five.

"See, this is exactly why I never like hanging out with you two," Stiles rolled his eyes. "It's Y/N and Scott versus Stiles. Always."

"Yet.. you're always around," You smiled, earning a sarcastic smile.

Your mother checked you out right before lunch took you to your doctor's appointment. Afterward, she took you out to lunch. She tried to be as close to you as your father but eventually, she just accepted that you just clicked with him on another level. She never held resentment, but you could tell it bothered her. She always hated the fact that she had to be the strict one but it was in her nature to lecture you about the smallest things, so you never opened up about much.

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