Chapter 6

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S1 Episode 6

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Stiles smiled as he opened his front door. You held up a warm container in your hands with contents you'd made only minutes before.

"I asked my mom for her chicken-penne casserole recipe before she went to work and made it as a get-well gift for your dad," You answered. His heart melted at the sight of you holding the dish. He froze in place, standing in awe of the kind-hearted girl in front of him. You chuckled nervously and shifted your weight. "Um, can I come in or..?"

"Stiles, let the girl in, it's cold!" Sheriff Stilinski called from the couch.

"Right! Uh, yeah, yeah come in!" Stiles stepped aside, taking the food from your hands and setting it on his counter. "Did you walk here?"

"Yeah, my parents aren't home and it's not that long of a walk so I figured what the hell," You replied. "How are you holding up, Mr. Stilinski."

"Y/N, you've gotta start calling me Noah. That makes me feel like my old man. And a hell of a lot better now that you brought me that casserole," He smiled, groaning as he got up to get a serving. "How are your folks?"

"Oh, same old, same old. Always working," You giggled. "But they're doing good! Mom got promoted and my dad's in town a lot more often."

"That's great! Well, you're always welcome here," He said, taking a bite of the food on his paper plate. "Wow, especially if you keep bringing us food. This is incredible! Thank you!"

"Ah, it's no problem," You grinned playfully. "Don't get used to it though- I hate cooking! I made an exception this one time with you being hurt and all."

"Welp, I think I've had enough of being the third wheel, for the night" Stiles clapped his hands together, making his dad laugh and shake his head. "Come on, I was actually about to call you to ask about that English assignment that's due tomorrow."

You waved to the Sheriff before following Stiles to his room. There was always a dull feeling of butterflies when you walked into his bedroom alone. You smiled at the previous memory you shared as you walked into the familiar space. You looked around and saw that it was close to spotless.

"Woah, what got into you?" You teased, earning a confused look as he closed his door. "You need my help on tomorrow's assignment and you cleaned your room? I feel like I just stepped into an alternate universe."

"Ha. Ha," He smiled sarcastically, making you giggle. Little did you know that he actually was about to call you, only it was to if you wanted to come over. So of course he decided to clean up his room and make it look presentable. He wanted to impress you by showing you his ability to super-clean. "And I don't need your help, I got that assignment done yesterday."

"Oh?' You quirked an eyebrow, the feeling in your chest swelling. "Then why'd you say it?"

"To get you to myself," He said matter of factly. "Duh."

"Oh okay," You laughed, walking up to him and reaching towards him. He smiled, happily accepting your arms around his neck, snaking his own around your waist in return.

You felt as if you should've gotten used to kissing him by now. You'd always assumed that all butterflies or nerves would've been gone once the first kiss was done and over with. But boy, were you wrong. Every kiss invigorated your already strong feelings. You finally began to recognize his mindless habits as he kissed you and you loved every single one; the way he would tangle his fingers in your hair, or how he never fail to rub his thumb on your jaw softly before he slid his tongue across your bottom lip, or the way he held you closer every time a noise would fall out of your mouth, encouraging you to be louder.

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