Chapter 12

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"I refuse to help you," You spat as you stood up to look Peter in the eye, leaving Lydia in the trusted hands of your boyfriend.. "Not if it means leaving her here to die."

"Well, we're not leaving her here to die per se. I'll leave your boyfriend here with her to help," Peter bargained as he smiled down at him. "That or I can rip his throat out in exchange for your brave unwillingness."

Your eyes darted down to Stiles who looked at you with wide eyes, holding your dying friend in his arms. He was afraid for her life and his alike. It paled in comparison to the fear he had of anything happening to you. You drew in a slow breath.

"Why not me?" You asked carefully, watching as the alpha's head tilt in curiosity, a playful smile teasing his lips. He was fascinated by you. "This whole time you've been threatening everyone but me. Why?"

"You're a valuable asset, sweetheart," He smiled, not taking his eyes off of you. Your brows furrowed but he spoke up before you got the chance to act on the breath of interrogation you inhaled. "Stiles, call your friend. Tell Jackson where she is. That's all you get. Y/N. Come with me."

He grabbed your arm and yanked you towards the direction of the parking lot. Any more force and your shoulder would've popped out of its socket. You winced but refrained from granting him the satisfaction of any painful noises.

"Hey, let her go, asshole!" Stiles called and he ran up to you. "Are you forgetting the fact that you need a ride?"

Peter glared at the two of you for a moment. You felt your heart speed up under his predatory gaze. This man could kill you in a matter of seconds, and showing by the way he looked at you, he was debating it. Or at least establishing his dominance.

The alpha rolled his eyes before dropping your arm and motioning you to lead the way. You looked back at the body of your friend lying on the field. Stiles noticed your uneasiness and placed his hand on the small of your waist. You looked at him and he softly nodded his head towards the parking lot. With a slight hesitation, you abided.

You hopped in the back and called Jackson. The conversation was short, lasting no more than fifteen seconds before you hung up the phone and looked up once again. The ride was tense; white knuckles locked on the steering wheel and wondering eyes that looked at his potential prey. The silence was only interrupted by directions that led you to an undisclosed location.

"Don't feel bad," Peter spoke up. "If she lives, she'll become a werewolf. She'll be incredibly powerful."

"Yeah, and once a month, she'll go out of her fucking mind and try to tear us apart," Stiles huffed. You looked up at the rearview mirror to see that he was already looking at you. His eyes lit up in the slightest before glaring back at the road. The stolen glimpses of you kept him grounded.

"Well, actually, considering that she's a woman," Peter started, looking over at you. "Twice a month."

You both looked over in utter disgust as he smiled with self-satisfaction.

"Oh, take a left at the next street," He casually ordered.


"Whose car is this?" You questioned as Peter pushed you both to the side as he grabbed the keys from his pocket.

"It belonged to my nurse."

"What happened to your- OH MY GOD!" Stiles yelped as Peter opened the trunk to reveal a dead woman dressed in scrubs. You looked away, trying not to gag at the putrid smell. Peter grabbed a soft briefcase from the woman's arms.

"I got better. Now, hold this for me, sweetheart," He mumbled as he threw it into your arms. Your face twisted in repugnance as you looked up at your boyfriend. Peter slammed the trunk before setting up the computer on it.

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