Chapter 3

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S.1 Episode 3

"SCOTT!" Stiles squeaked as soon as he caught glimpse of his friend. "SCOTT OH MY GOD!!"

"What?" He chuckled, looking at the disheveled running towards him.

"You have to promise on EVERYTHING that you won't tell a fucking soul," He said, holding out his pinky. Scott simply looked down at it unamused. "Right, okay. Yeah, that's Y/N's thing sorry but swear it!"

"Okay, I swear just tell me."

"Y/N kissed me," Stiles said quickly, making Scott's eyes go wide as his jaw dropped. "I mean technically I kissed her but-"


"SHHH!" Stiles flailed his arms. "Shut up! I don't want her to know I told you, I promised her!"

"You kissed her?" Scott asked again in shock. "When? How? Wait, did she kiss you back?"

"Literally not even fifteen minutes after you kissed Allison. She told me to. I thought it was like a platonic thing with the way she did it but then we kissed and there was SO MUCH chemistry! And yeah, asshole. Why is that such a surprise?"

"Because she wouldn't even fully admit to me that she liked you!" Scott replied. "Dude so like how was it?"

"AMAZING!" Stiles shouted, gaining the eyes of a few passersby. "Dude, it was like electric. I could feel it in my bones. It was- I don't know. All I know is I wanna do it again and again and-"

"Okay, ew. She's like my sister so maybe tone it down a bit," Scott cringed.

"Oh yeah sorry about that," Stiles said as they walked into the school. "But then we went to her place to like look into the Laura Hale thing and she didn't even let me talk about it. She's like teasing me or something. I don't understand and I'm FREAKING out, okay? ... But anyway, how are you doing? You good?"

"Yeah, I mean I had this dream last night that's been bothering me," Scott went on to explain everything as they entered the building. They continued to psychoanalyze the dream when they saw you at the locker.

"Hey!" You smiled, hopping into step with them. Scott smirked and gave it all away. "You told him?!"

"I-What?! I didn't- How the hell did you- How could you tell?!" Stiles stammered. Scott started making kissing noises, making you groan and walk away. "Wait, Y/N! I-.. And she's walking away. This is your fault, you know."

"I'm sorry," Scott chuckled before continuing on with the previous conversation.

You walked to your locker and unloaded the contents of your backpack in there before grabbing the things you needed.

"Hey, Y/N!" Lydia smiled, walking up with Jackson right behind her. "Would you tell him that Scott isn't taking steroids?"

"Scott? You mean the boy who told my mom I stole her liquor?" You deadpanned. They waited for your response. "No, you idiot. He's the definition of a goody two-shoes."

"Well, something's off. I need to find out what it is," Jackson huffed. "I mean what is up with all of the dead bodies and weird vibes?"

"Bodies? Plural?" You questioned.

"Yeah, rumor has it that the janitor got torn to shreds last night in the bus," Lydia responded. Your heart dropped.

"Jesus, I don't even feel safe in this town anymore," You mumbled, feeling as if Derek somehow had something to do with it.

"I gotta go," Jackson interrupted. "But if you hear anything, tell me."

"Okay?" You shot him a confused glare.

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