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The time is 21:22, i am yet to sleep, hoping you all will enjoy this chapter.

Today was pretty great, a bit wierd. I had my last piano lesson:0 my teacher is sweet, so i gave her flowers because thats maners. Normal? I dont know. I hope so. It was actually quite wierd, knowing now that i have one less thing to worry about. Thats nuts. Kind of comforting, and also kind of stressful. My saturdays will not be desturbed by an activity again. Its an era that had just ended i think. I have played for what, 4 years? Im pretty good if i have to say so myself. Self confidence boost i guess!! (Remember to boost your own confidence guys, its important)

I had my last piano lesson today, but i also had choir practice. We are going live in the radio tomorrow!! Quite exiting. I know all the songs/works, and i think i am properly prepared. (Its 10:00 on P1 Marcy, you better listen>:(()

I have many concerts in december. Lots of Lucia, wich is a traditional thing here btw, and i also have some quite formal and proffesional concerts. I am going to see the princess, and im going on a very formal and expensive hotel to sing with my choir. So it is somewhat proffesional you could say? I guess.


lots of love

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