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The time is 04:02, i am laying in bed. Tired, but not really. Still sick.

Today was decent. I dont really remember much. I was sick, tired, demotivated. I am really needing a break. I am tired and burnt out to the bottom of my heart. Thats how i feel today, at least.

I mostly spent the most of my day laying in bed, looking on my phone, reading from time to time. I am currently reading 'Normal People - Sally Rooney' . its in english, and its not my first language, so its a bit hard? I probably understand about 94% of it. Its mostly some specific words i dont know what means, so its fine. Its also good practice to 'upgrade' my vocabulary.

I think i am going to work on a cosplay soon, probably a c!wilbur/ghostbur one, i have his haircolor and shirt and everything so i think it would be a great beginner cosplay! I hope it will turn out at least a little bit good:)


lots of love

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