Chapter 4: he's the only one around and he meant every little thing to me

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Jungkook was restless the whole night after that infuriating phone call from Jimin. He had changed definitely, he was more aware of himself - learned to acknowledge his features and became cocky about himself.

That angered him more, Jimin wasn't only stubborn anymore - he's stubborn and cocky! As if! He'll never talk to him even how much he tells him he will do everything to make him do so, he'll learn to say 'no' and 'stop' and he'll no longer cave in to his demands.

He'd been a fool once.

He'll never make it twice.

Just like Jimin changed, Jungkook did too. He changed his self so much that the past him was now a memory - no trace of the light-hearted and submissive Jungkook anymore. He has a voice now, no longer outspoken and crazy in love with Park Jimin. Although, the main foundation of his growth was anger; it was a great motivation to uplift his self from the ground that he fell to when Jimin left him. He matured enough in general aspects but he was tired to love now; too matured to even think about love and falling in love - love was childish; there was more to life than love - that was his son. Jikook is his main priority now.

He'd already seen and experience what love has done to people. And he didn't want to go through it again.

He yawned the moment Jikook left his side and entered the daycare, he was still short on savings so he had no choice but to let Jikook stay at the daycare for now even though he's subjected to kindergarten at his age. Jungkook felt a pang of hurt and frustration because he wanted to give his son his needs and be successful in his life so if he'll have to leave one day, he didn't have to worry about his son suffering or at least one day his son will be thankful of him.

This was going to be his usual daily routine again, a day-off was crucial with his kind of life - it maybe an excuse for leisure but Jungkook's idea of leisure was sleeping. Everything felt tiring add the fact that he was restless, it was inevitable not to feel that he wasted that day off he had. Regardless, Jikook was happy at the end of the day and seeing that smile plastered on his son's lips; Jungkook felt satisfied.

He dragged his feet to walk, he could've taken the bus on the way round to arrive faster but he needed to save money. And he's kinda early as well due to the fact that he was up all night, much more of a reason why he should just walk since he won't be late anyway. He listened to a few songs on the way so he'll ever lost track of his tired legs and body, he needed a distraction and music might be his only escape.

The cafe's facade was visible now, luckily there weren't much people today unlike the other day where walking even meters away from the cafe, you'll end up getting bombarded on all your sides similarly to a stampede but you won't get hurt, you'll just be unable to move due to how compact the crowd is and the population that littered around the place.

Jungkook took his time walking, fixing his self and humming along the way to the entrance of the cafe. He pushed passed the doors and the familiarity of all hitting him all at once and suddenly he felt the surge of normalcy running inside him - remembering how the way the aroma filled his nose, the chatters of the people inside, just everything had come to him the past few years. And as time grew, all of it became normal to him. It was all too normal that now it felt like home, how this establishment taught him a lot of things he'll be grateful for; how this establishment gave him motivation and inspiration to transpire everything that he's going through. Just what a home does.

And this was second home for Jungkook.

This establishment that people come to when they needed a break from everything stressful, where people come to energize and fuel themselves for another day and where people come to when they needed something warm and relaxing - home. It all sounded like home to Jungkook and he did treat this place as his second home.

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