eight: A Daydream Away

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Niall Horan

"Are we really going to the spend the rest of the night choosing which film we should watch?"

I heard Harry groan from the other couch he was lazily sprawled on, taking up the entire seat with his feet propped up on the arm of the chair. We were all growing restless, watching Drew and Louis argue and debate on which film that should be put on tonight.

"Fine, how about...'Insidious'?" Drew questioned, once she carefully pulled out the DVD from the stack and facing the rest of us. Louis was still busily rummaging through the films beside her, with his eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

It's been fifteen minutes ever since we thought of having a movie marathon, already situated in our seats on the couches surrounding a small coffee table in the middle of the room, facing the large flat screen TV across from us.

"Maybe something less scary?" Scarlett raised an eyebrow, in a suggestive tone, while Drew rolled her eyes.

"You should be thankful I didn't pick 'Saw'" Drew huffed, once she placed the film back in its place.

"Maybe an old classic? 'The Breakfast Club' or 'Grease'?" Louis finally proposed, bringing out the two films and glancing at us. We exchanged looks, as Liam grinned and said, "We should watch 'Grease'! Haven't seen that in a while."

"Hey, you didn't tell me you had 'Zombieland'! That's one of my favorite movies!" Drew exclaimed, her eyes widened in surprise.

"Maybe we can watch 'Grease' first, then, 'Zombieland'" I decided, and they all seemed to agree, while Louis smirked, since his movie was picked first, and Drew noticed, shooting him a glare.

"All right, Louis put on the film and get settled, we'll go grab the popcorn." Zayn offered, as he rushed into the kitchen and Kadence followed behind to help him.

Louis placed the film in the DVD player, and plopped down on the vacant couch next to Liam, propping his feet up on the coffee table with his hands behind his head. Drew sat down at the end of the couch next to Louis and grabbed one of the pillows, hugging it to her chest, while comfortably crossing her legs underneath her in indian style. Zayn and Kadence returned a few minutes later, carrying small bowls of popcorn in their arms and handed us each, thanking them.

After a while, we were completely focused on the movie, singing along to a few of the songs and even quoting some of the lines Danny said. We all laughed when 'Summer Nights' came on, and Louis shot up from his seat just when the first beats played and he started to dance, while lip-syncing along to the words. I remember when Louis used to do a few plays back then, and he got the opportunity to star as Danny Zuko and he was really ecstatic, since he's always wanted to have a major role in a play. He showed us a video of the play which was posted on Youtube and I admit Louis was quite talented when it came to acting.

Liam cheekily joined in as well, and he played the part of Olivia and it was really funny to watch. I chuckled when they tried to drag Drew along with them, who hesitated while she was in fits of laughter at watching the two boys dance and sing.

I clutched my stomach, while I threw my head back in laughter, squeezing my eyes shut until I managed to regain my composure, when the scene finished and they took a bow and I shook my head with a smile.

I practically froze when I felt my fingertips slightly brush Scarlett's hand and I quickly retracted my hand, as if the touch had burned me. I clasped my hands on my lap, frowning when I thought about how I felt a slight jolt of electricity run up my forearm, before I blinked rapidly, pushing the ridiculous thought at the back of my mind. I couldn't help but glance at Scarlett at the corner of my eye, and my heart fluttered when I saw her grinning madly while she watched.

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