One Piece

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"If someone asked you to show them the limit of the fictional world, what would your answer be? If you manage to find it, congratulations. You have found the true range of my powers."


Name: Alicia (a little digging reveals her last name: Ludenberg)

Nickname, if any: this is a complicated one. She has a total of 46 names (plus a few more epithets, which will be explained later on), and an epithet ("Cerulean witch") if the marine finds her and publishes a wanted poster. Alicia is not exactly fond of having to make up so many names for herself, but she has come to terms with it.

Birthdate: 24.3.

Place of birth: a (fictional!) island called sheep island. It's on the grand line but almost surreally peaceful. The name already hints at the obsession with sheep that has spread throughout the village on the island, with people focussing on making a lot of sheep-based products. The island is known for incredible wool (great quality, durable, etc.) and its traditions also focus around it. All the inhabitants also take the topic "Family" very seriously.

Personality: Alicia seems to be headstrong, almost impulsive even. Can be extremely aggressive if something doesn't go her way,  but that's usually with people she knows. Alicia can also be very, very bossy. Under all of that, there are still the remains of the well-behaved and polite girl that her island allowed her to be; with that personality, however, you won't survive. That's what she learned the hard way. And one more thing: With different made-up roles, there are different personalities. She'd love to open up and finally walk the earth without fear of getting caught but hell, that's unrealistic, isn't it?

Goals: ..... either she finds a way to eliminate Kaido and put the Government at ease or she'll have to do something else. All Alicia wants is to protect her home, but who knows for how long the situation can stay peaceful? If they start taking hostages, her hands are bound. 

Bounty: .... she had a few- since she's officially dead, but they weren't high. about 72.000.000 and 89.000.000 Berry but now she's basically "clean". That doesn't mean that she isn't a threat, it's the opposite. in the future, it should lie at about 400.000.000 Berry or something even higher.

Religion: Alicia is not religious. An Athiest.

Current stay: she sails around in a rather small ship since she can't really afford that much and hasn't joined a crew because of many issues, the most prominent one being not wanting to be exploited. If anyone ever gets to take a look inside they won't find anything special besides way too many books littered all across the ship, and way too much clothing for one person to own. It's also not made for just one person. Nothing special.

Pets? Yes. Thanks to her devil fruit abilities she gets to have rather.. exotic pets. Reaaaaaly Exotic pets. Like dragons or pegasus or other creatures, she finds interesting. Usually she names them since they don't have one to begin with, but there are exceptions.

Current occupation: ... complicated. Alicia herself can be described as a scientist..? Without an actual liscense. yeah. But she doesn't do anything in that direction, she just slips into one of her personas and works a pretty low-income job you can apply for and not being asked too many questions... and the kinds where you get to work immediately. For ex. dancer, or pianist, bounty huntress.

Education: actually left school when she was 15 to search for her father, but is basically self-educated (and is still learning stuff) on a high level, especially chemistry. Struggles with physics and history though. Still, she's very smart, both book smart and street smart.

Sexuality: vaguely functioning Bisexual.


Height: 160cm (which means that she is very small.)

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