One Piece

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Name: Emilia Newgate

Nickname, if any: Millie (usually by Whitebeard Pirates, as a joke). Would be preferred to called Emmy by friends & family. Or just her normal name. Her Alias is "Ironfist"

Place of birth: on the moby dick, actually. 

Religion: --

Current address: on her own small ship. She's traveling around right now to finally separate that lingering shadow of her father around her. 

Education: she's not stupid, no. Street smarts combined with booksmarts, taught by the possibly largest crew in existence made her a very intelligent young woman who is never easily fooled nor swayed by anything. 

Sexuality: she never though much about it but if she had to put a label on it it would be pansexual. 


Height: She's tall alright. But a DWARF compared to her father. Which also isn't hard. But yeah she's around 2 metres tall so 6'5 ft.

Weight: changes depending on how her living situation is. 

body type: fit, muscular

Eye color?  yellow


clothing/jewlery: doesn't do much of those. they usually only get in the way. 

Hairstyle: her white hair is wavy, and she likes to take care of it if she gets the chance to - keeps it open but styles it into a bun for fights. 



Not necessarily hostile if she wants to be seen as her own person but still very cautious. Loyal and passionate to anyone she deems as a friend- Since Whitebeard did jackhammer that into her brain. Sometimes tomboyish and sometimes hotheaded. She can and will fight back- Emilia was taught that at a very young age. Doesn't  want anyone to underestimate her, likes to tease people, and has a great sense of humor 

Was taught to have a good sense of honor but respect and freedom.
hates the Marines and the world government, sometimes worried of her dad will be okay if any bad to worst happen She have a strong ambition, and is bold and can be aggressive but has creativity

Describe any personal habits


Haki: Observation haki -presence sensing, emotion sensing, strength sensing
 Armament Haki - Hardening, imbuement, emission 
Conqueror's Haki- Domination, Incapacitation,Pressure

she fights with chains- can use them to break bones, throw people around and restrain them. Has the habit of wrapping them around her fist- her alias comes from that habit. She can use the chains as makeshift brass knuckles. 

Emilia also carries two attachable blades around with her- can attach them to her chains if she needs to. 

Trained in martial arts in general.. 


she has a bit of an ambivalent relationship with her father and wants to know more about him- not just his crew since she deems that the crew can't give unbiased feedback. So she sets sail and leaves under the premise of wanting to see the world without having pirates scare away all of the people in an instant. Also being more independent. That doesn't mean that she hates her father, hell, it's the opposite. 

What is his/her greatest wish? to be seen  as her own person. 

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