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Mikey wakes and hits his alarm to silence it before rolling to his back and staring at the ceiling. He smiles as the whole previous day returns to him. Hannah's beautiful and easy going laugh rings out in ears as he pictures her smiling face. She is truly stunning when she laughs and he feels hardwired to make it continue. He envisions her walking around his room and leaving her floral scent behind, the smell still on his pillow when he returned home last night.

He remembers her giggles and body pushing closer and closer to his during Guitar Hero. Her cross eyed look and sticking her tongue out while eating his mum's eggs. And the terrifying moment of her having an anxiety attack.

His stomach churns as her frightened and scared face still flash in his head, the sound of her trying to breathe and the blood draining from her face jarring. She became so clammy he was certain she would faint and remembers hoping she would not reject laying on his bed since she eyed it so suspiciously before. He was relieved to find her color back when he returned with some water, but felt helpless and worried when she started crying.

He wants to know deeply what triggered her and why she is so guarded. Would it be wrong of him to just ask? No pressure. But just ask? The worse she would do is not tell him right? She wouldn't stop being his friend. But he has to know. He needs to know so he can comfort her and soothe her. He wants to help her.

He has speculations; ideas of his own conclusion as to why she is the way she is. He was blown away at her in his Green Day shirt, he wanted to kiss her so bad as she looked so marvelous and gorgeous standing there. But the light bruises on her arms did not go unnoticed. Just thinking about someone yanking on her or hitting her makes him sick.

He remembers seeing Tannar's bruises after the altercation with her father and, even though he is not a violent person, he wanted to kick the blokes teeth in. How dare he grab and toss his own daughter like that. And how dare whomever is harming Hannah. He wonders if it is her father. The wealthy businessman who partakes in illegal dealings to gain more wealth. He hopes one day to meet this man and put him in his place.

His chest fills with anger as he sits up to go shower, his mind finally letting go of wrath and he pictures her happy face jumping in the crowd to the music he created with his best mates. Gosh she was so beautiful, so effortlessly stunning. And he wants to make her his.

But he knows she may not want that. He can tell she is hurt by some kind of past relationship and he will give her the time she needs. A smile curls on his lips as he realizes he would wait for her. He would be willing to give her all the time she needs as long as she eventually wakes up in his arms. Whatever she needs, he will give it her. One hundred percent.

He doesn't even put his headphones once he leaves the house and he walks briskly along, no one out yet, to the intersection of Willow and Ula Cress. His heart pounds when he sees her descending her steps, her eyes down as she puts in her ear buds. Today she wears ripped skinny jeans although a size too big for her and her converse. She also wears a hoodie and its still big, but more fitting and he can't help but think she looks adorable as her white blonde hair tousles in the wind. She looks up nervously at him and then smiles, walking faster to get to him sooner.

"G'Day," he chimes as she approaches, looking so beautiful he visualizes sliding his hand under her ear and kissing her heart shaped lips. But he doesn't.

"How long have you been waiting here?" She inquires with a giggle.

"Not long," he shrugs and they turns to walk down Ula Cress. "How was your evening?"

"Fine," she giggles at his question, "I was actually really tired. So I fell right to sleep."

"Oh me too."

"I'm sure doing a show is exhausting," she looks up at him.

"At first its really exciting, like I'm riding a huge high afterwards. But once it crashes, so do I," he chuckles. "But if go to a party after that high stays for a bit longer."

"Do you guys party a lot?" She asks, looking at him curiously.

"If we play on a Friday or Saturday night we generally have a party at Ash's or go to one," he tells her honestly, not feeling the need to lie.

"I've never been to a party," she shakes her head and looks at her feet.

"I'm not surprised since 5sos was your first concert," he laughs and she looks up with a smile at his teasing. "Maybe I can take you to your first party, too."

"I'll think about it," she says and looks down at the ground again, her hands fidgeting as they adjust her straps.

He bends down to get her attention and she looks at him, "I'd never let anything happen to you."

Her walk slows as her brows pull together and her lashes flutter before she swallows, "I believe you."

"I really wouldn't," he shakes his head, hoping she knows how much he wants to protect her; how much he wants to help her. Save her.

"I know," she stops and grabs his arm, "Mikey, I," she swallows, "I trust you."

His whole body warms at the certainty in her face, her hair gently blowing in the wind before he says, "You don't trust easily do you?"

Her brows pull together as a frown takes over and she looks down at her hand, trailing it down to his slowly, "No."

"Why me?" He asks as her fingers trace over the top of his hand and into his palm before she pulls them back and looks at him.

"I don't know."

She turns and they slowly begin their walk again and he inquires, "Is that a good I don't know or a bad I don't know."

She laughs at his question but answers authentically, "I don't know. Trusting people is scary. A lot of them prove they aren't trustworthy when they're supposed to be ones who are."

"Like parents?" He asks and her head jerks up to him, searching his eyes as fear dilates her pupils. "You can tell me anything," he rushes out and she turns away, looking at the ground.

She doesn't say anything the rest of way, even quickening her pace and he begins to feel guilty, knowing he upset her.  He does his best to stay next to her as the reach the field, more students milling about and slamming into them haphazardly. He opens the door to the school and she moves quickly to the stairs but he rushes to her and lightly grabs her upper arm, stopping her.

"I'm sorry," he rushes out, knowing he shouldn't be sorry for caring, but he is sorry he pushed her; never wanting to do that if its not on her terms. "You can tell me anything but I promise not to pry."

Her pale eyes look deep into his as they round and soften. She relaxes and surprises him when she hugs him. He wraps his arms around her, resting them on top of her backpack as she grips his sweatshirt, clinging to him like she did last night. He rests his cheek on her head and gives her a tight squeeze; doing his best to reassure her.

"Have a good day," she says as she pulls away.

"You too," he grins as his hands slide down her arms and one hooks onto her hand. She squeezes it tightly and steps up the stairs, still holding on. His fingers slowly slide from her hand and she bites her lip as her cheeks flush. Mikey smiles at her, his breathe caught as he thinks she's is the most prettiest girl he's ever seen and she waves gently.

He turns around and continues up the stairs before he beams the whole way to Zero Period. He high-fives Calum in the hallway, almost hitting some girl at her locker and then winks at Mrs. Haunenbaum when she looks at the clock during his arrival. Bridget's jaw drops and he squats on his way by to tap her jaw back into place and then takes a seat at his desk; ready for the day.

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