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Ashton drops me off at Mikey's house, Karen opening the door for me and I go straight to his room. He jumps up from his history book and moves around his desk as I rush to him, embracing him. His arms pulls me in tight and he releases a shake breath into my hair.

"I'm so sorry, Hannah."

"No," I choke, tears already streaming from my face. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed you away."

"You were upset."

"But I still need you," I sob, "I need to work it out it with you not run away."

"It's okay," he sighs, "Relationships are new to you."

I cry harder, his understanding of me when I refused to see his gutting me with guilt, "And I need to understand how much my situation affects you now that we are in a relationship."

He just nods his head and hugs me tight before he pulls away to wipe my tears away with his thumbs. I sniffle up at him and he gives me a small smile, his body relaxing as I rub his back. The crease between his brows softens but stays, making me sad before he bends down and kisses my forehead.

"I was so worried about you," he whispers, his voice sounding strained. "I didn't know where you went."

"I know I'm sorry. I was just with Ashton."

"I know, but only because he told me hours later. Can you please not turn off your phone?"

I nod my head before I realize I still haven't turned it on and then reach into my pocket to do so. I slide my phone back into my pocket and lean up to kiss Mikey, letting him know how sorry I am. His hands slide under my ears as he kisses me back, everything feeling right again.

He walks me back to his bed before scooping me up and climbing on, laying me on his plush comforter. I moan with contentment and run my fingers this his messy hair, finally understanding the whole makeup sex thing. I press his mouth harder to mine and run my knee up his body, begging him to grind into me.

He takes my lip between his teeth and answers my unspoken plea, pressing his hips into mine and I moan. His body reacts to my sound, exciting me further and I work my hands down to his pants. His breath increases as he kisses me with more fervor until my phone begins going wild with notifications.

"What the hell?" He giggles and then rolls me over to grab my phone out of my back pocket.

I giggle at him purposely groping my ass before I look at his face, fallen and drained of blood.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Your dad," he exhales shakily, turning my phone to show all the calls, voicemails, and texts demanding my location. "You didn't excuse yourself for the rest of the day?" Mikey asks me, fear growing in his eyes, "Hannah, they called you dad."

"I need to get home," I say, feeling sick to my stomach.

"No," Mikey shakes his head, looking at me scared.

"It's okay," I sigh and rub his cheek.


"Mikey, I need to go before it gets worse."

He swallows and slides off the bed, his concern still there, but he speed walks me to the corner where he gives me a deep, passionate kiss. I promise to text him and then run home, my stomach cramping at the sight of my dads car in the driveway. My hands shake as I open the door and go inside, my gut telling me to turn around and run back to Mikey's home; run to safety.

"Hannah," I hear my name from the basement, his tone sending a chill down my spine.

I take a deep breath and head downstairs, clenching my hands that begin to sweat. He is standing when I enter his office, but luckily still on the other side of his desk. His icy blue eyes land on me and I feel their cold stare, my jaw threatening to tremble.

"I got a call from the school today. You missed your classes after lunch."

"Yes, I forgot to call. I wasn't feeling well."

"Yes," he comes around the desk, "I'm aware you are battling some health issues."

"Yes," I nod, grateful my plan worked. Thank you Ms. Patelle and your blabbing mouth.

"I was concerned when I received the phone call, not that you may need some rest, but because I was here at home and you weren't."

I feel my stomach drop to the floor and my heart stops as he steps closer.

"I called you to check on you and it went straight to voicemail. Hannah where were you?"

I look at him, my chest heaving, knowing I can't tell him. I can't use Tannar as an excuse too, or he may never allow me to be with her again. So I just stare at him, unwilling to tell him.

"Hannah, where were you?" He asks again sternly but I stay silent as he walks towards me. "Were you with that Michael boy?"

"No," I shake my head.

"Are you lying to me?" He growls.

"No," I shake my head.

"There where were you?" He shouts. "Tell me now!"

I flinch at his roaring voice but just look down, I refuse to give in. He's taken everything else, he will not take away the people who care about me and matter to me.

"HANNAH!" He shouts in my face, but I keep it down before a sting takes over the side of my face and explosions fire off in one of my eyes from the back of his hand.

I gasp, the pain becoming so overwhelming as my whole eye socket throbs and my head begins to hurt. My neck starts to cramp as I look up at him and my eyes water, my hand immediately going to my now hot skin. Fear washes over my body at the empty rage on his face, his teeth bared as his hands reach out to me.

"TELL ME!" He screams in my face as his hands grab my throat and he slams me back into the wall.

I hear my choking sob as I claw at his hands and kick my feet, already feeling lightheaded. My eyes bore into his, hollow and evil as I realize I didn't text Mikey. I didn't get to tell him I love him one last time.

I'm so sorry, Mikey.


I wake up to a whimpering noise before I realize its me and I open my eyes. The room is dark, but I can tell its mine. I am facedown in my comforter with my shoes even still on, just tossed in here like a rag doll I imagine. My face feels like its on fire but when I try to cry my throat hurts so bad I choke and gag, hurting myself further. I lay in the darkness and cry silently, tears rolling down my cheeks as I picture myself in Mikey's arm. I try to sit to get to my phone to text him but my head hurts so bad I fall back, crying and hurting my throat. So I kick off my shoes and work my body under the blankets, pulling them over my head so I can be safe as I picture Mikey's warmth while I silently cry myself to sleep.

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