Bouncers, a Club and a kidnapping

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"So where we going" I asked following Dick and Jason to the car.

"Uh your not coming." Dick stated.

"Yeah, uh you have no say in this buddy." I stated getting into the back seat whilst Jason got into the front.


"This place is called Corvo. Its some kind of speakeasy, landlord says he bounces the late shift." Dick explained as we were walking.

"That's too bad. Bouncers are assholes." Jason said.

"Clays not, and how would you know anyway?" Dick asked Jason.

"Uncle Ray would take me to bars all the time when I was little." Jason answered "Everyone thought it was cute... until it wasn't. He was a fun drunk, then he'd get stupid, start throwing punches. Then the bouncers would kick our asses out."

"Where were your parents?" I questioned putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Mom was upstate, dad was downstate. Uncle Ray was the man until he OD'd when I was 13." He explained.

"Where'd you go?" Dick interrogated.

"Wherever, foster care, in and out of the system, then the streets mostly after that." He responded.

I looked at him sadly. Looking at mine and Dicks expressions he chuckled.

"Its  not all bad, I survived. Now look man, we're living the dream." He said more to Dick than me.

I stopped listening as Dick walked up to the bouncer and began to talk to him, I pulled out my phone to talk to my friend considering shes like my only friend.

Me: Ayooo Im goin clubbin!!!

Bes Frien: Oooh send pic of outfit?

Me: Bitch im not wearing anything too fancy.

Bes Frien: ...Your going clubbing and not wearing something cool?

Me: yea...


Me: ...How long did it take to write that?

Me: Nyways I'm not going to mingle and flirt, I'm going to piss off a friend.

Bes frien: Thas stupid, ur stupid.

I put my phone away (After sending her the rude finger emoji) and walk up with Jason as he hands the bouncer his fake ID. He looks over it for a while before letting out a small laugh.

"There a problem?" Jason asks the bouncer.

"Robert Plissken? Nice try." The bouncer states.

"Come on man, be cool." Jason whined.

"Not tonight snake." The bouncer said.

"Im 19!" Jason exclaimed causing me to mentally face palm.

"Stay here, I'll be right back." Dick says.

"Now what?" I ask him.

He ignores me and sits on the sidewalk before spotting something. We walked up to a wall and leaned against a wall until a door opens and we walked inside.

"Jeez your smart." I mutter.

He just smirked as we walked.

When we got to the actual club part we separated, Me going to a random corner of the room to avoid any talking, Jason immediately going to the bar. I sigh realizing I'm going to have to keep an eye on him. As I'm attempting to watch what Jason's doing a seemingly drunk man walks up to me.

"Hey baby." The man says getting a little too close to my face, I scrunched up my nose at the smell of alcohol on his breath and moved my face back a little.

"Not interested, sorry." I stated putting my hand up to my face and attempting walk away.

My attempts were short sighted however as the man grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to him.

"Come on baby, lets have some fun."

"Okay asshole I told you I'm not interested already and I'm really not in the mood for this so please kindly fuck off and leave me alone, that would be great." I snapped glaring at him.

"Oooh feisty, I like that."

"Okay that's it, I've had enough and your not giving up." I muttered.

I close my hand before opening it revealing a ball of blood floating in my hand.

"I'd suggest you run." I smirked.

The mans eyes widen as he backs away slowly.

"Y-you're a monster, stay away from me!" He stammered going into a run.

"Well I mean you did kind of come to me but okay." I whispered to myself closing my hand and trying to ignore the memories.

I looked up and saw Jason getting into a fight.

"Fucks sake." I muttered walking towards the fight.

When I got there Dick and another person were holding the two back.

"Back the fuck off, I got this." Jason stated.

"Jason-" Dick started before being cut off by an explosion.

I covered my head with my arms and ducked down as I made my way out of the building.

Somehow, during my extremely heroic escaping from the building and screaming like a child, I had managed to lose Dick and Jason. So I had to wander around for a while to find them. (AN: tooootally for plot toootally not that the author was just lazy)

When I had finally found Jason I noticed he was alone.

"Soo, wheres dick?" I asked Jason.

"He left." Jason stated.

"How come?" I questioned.

"Clay got kidnapped." Jason responded.


"Clay." I looked at him with a blank face "His friend?" Still a blank face "THE ONLY REASON WE CAME HERE."

"Bouncer guy?" I suggested.


"Don't get mad at me, its kinda on you for thinking I listen to a word you and Dick say." I mentioned shrugging.

"I- nevermind, anyway Dick said we cant come." Jason explained.

"And I'm guessing your not going to follow said instruction." I guessed raising an eyebrow.


"Cool! Lets get changed then." I said walking away.

"Hold on, get changed into what?" Jason questioned.

"Well, we can't exactly go out and fight a kidnapper dressed in casual clothes can we? Go grab your bloody suit." I explained walking into an alley.

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