Uber, secrets and an electrocution.

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"You know it's like a federal offence to use someone else's uber account." Rachel stated to Gar as we sat in the uber.

"No, it's not." Gar responded a smile playing on his lips.

"Even so, Kory may kick your ass." Rachel said her face free from expression.

"It's true, she will." I stated looking up from my phone.

"Eh, you'll protect me" Gar decided a smile on his face.

"Is that so?" Rachel asked giving him the side eye.

"Yeah, it is." Gar smiled.

"Let's face it, it probably is" I muttered looking back down at my phone, scrolling through social media.

There's a silence before Rachel talks again.

"I wonder how long they've had her." Rachel murmured looking out the window.

I notice Gar think before speaking up, "could be why she never went looking for you."

I decided to stay silent throughout the conversation, instead becoming very indulged in my phone.

When they had finished talking, I finally spoke up.

"Don't worry Rach, we'll get your mother back." I spoke grabbing her hand.

"Why do you seem to care so much about my mom?" Rachel interrogated raising an eyebrow.

"Because you're my friend and I care about you." I replied darting my eyes away from her.

"No, that's not it." Rachel corrected making me look at her "You can tell us, like you said, we're your friends, you can trust us."

"It's because I'd do anything to get my own mother back, and I know it sounds stupid and selfish but I figured that by helping you save your mother it could hopefully make up for what happened." I murmured looking down at my hands now clasped in my lap feeling tears well up in my eyes, a sinking feeling of guilt now growing inside me.

"What happened to her?" Gar asked looking at me.

"What? Uh, nothing, I just made some decisions that my parents didn't support, and we fought. I uh said some things and then left, things I regret greatly, I don't like how I left things you know?" I explained.

"You know you can't lie to me, right?" Rachel states looking at me.

"What? I-I'm not lying!"

Rachel grabs my hand her eyes widening before they soften and look at my sadly.

"I don't think its stupid or selfish." She whispers.

"Can we stop talking about this now? We're here to rescue your mother not mine." I state ripping my hand from hers.

"Fine, but we'll talk about this more later." She mutters.

I sigh looking back at my phone for the remainder of the trip.


Gar, Rachel and I were hidden behind a tree using the night as our cover.

"I think we'll have to use the south entrance, away from the guards." Gar murmured, his breathing heavy, "I don't think it's a safe bet but-"

"But what?" Rachel snaps cutting him off.

"I mean we came this far, right? Be stupid to back out now." Gar states looking at us.

"It'd also be a waste of time considering the amount of time and effort we spent getting here." I spoke up.

"So, which way?" Rachel hurriedly asked.

"Uh... after you." Gar breathed gesturing the direction.

Rachel walked straight ahead, Gar looked around, to ensure it was safe before following and I went last going quickly so as not to get caught.

"Oh, I can't believe we're doing this." Gar muttered nervously.

"Shut up or you'll get us caught." I Whisper shouted.

Suddenly I felt a piercing tingling in my neck.

"shit." I whispered to myself as I collapsed.

AN: WHAAAAAT have I actually done a chapter that's a normal size and not overly long? Woah... (Also its under a month from the last one soo... :) )

Tho tbh i didnt go thru with some of my og plans 4 dis chapter, but thats okay, hopefully I'll add em in the next

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