Eggs, Articles and A train

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TW: Mind control, D3ath, etc If this triggers you skip to next chapter and lemme know, I'll fill you in. 

As I rush through the halls, I hear a distant alarm. 'this is gonna be a really bad idea.' I think as I turn to follow the sound, hoping to find any sign of my friends.

After a while of running, I finally find my friends.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim quietly out of exhaustion "Is this your mother Rachel?"

"Mhmm." Rachel says as we walk with the group.

Suddenly we hear guards in the distance, I summon up a small ball of blood, preparing to use it. Dick goes to fight the guards and I can hardly keep track of what's going on, I hear Dick cry out as he is zapped by something but he continues to fight. As the last guy drops to the floor I let go of the ball of blood as Dick pants.

We continued on towards Dick, moving around the guards who appear to be in tremendous pain.

"Get out of here." He orders us.

We continue moving as a group. When we finally make it out of the asylum, there is an explosion and suddenly, the whole thing is burning and Kori emerges from the flames. We stand watching for a bit before finally moving away.


I woke up, much too early for my liking, to voices coming from the kitchen. I groggily walked out rubbing my eyes and stopped just at the entrance to see Gar and Rachel.

"Guys, it's like super early, what's with all the noise?" I asked.

"We wanted to cook breakfast." Rachel said gesturing to the eggs she was cooking.

"Cool, make sure you season it properly." I murmured looking over her shoulder.

"How on earth do you season eggs?" Rachel questions taken aback.

"I dunno, Salt, pepper, basil, oregano, parsley, cheese, spices. Take your pick, they'd probably have the seasonings considering it's a rich person house." I stated now going through the cupboards.

"Anyway, Y/n, Dick and Kori?" Gar said.

"Their fucking." I simply stated.

"How would you know that?" Rachel asked.

"I heard them in the motel." I explained, shuddering as I take seasoning out of the cupboards.

"Gross." Gar muttered doing something with coffee "Do you think it's like thinking about your parents?"

"Most definitely." I spoke.

"I wouldn't know." Rachel stated at the same time as me.

We heard a door close in the distance and hear Rachels mother, Angela, speak.

"Good morning." She said.

"Hi mom." Rachel smiled.

"Hi baby." Angela breathed.

"I made breakfast." Rachel said lifting up the pan.

"I can see that." Angela smiled.

"Are you hungry?" Rachel eagerly asked.

"In a minute." Angela smiled turning towards the door "Five years you uh, can forget how beautiful a sunrise can be."

Angela was talking to Rachel by the door as I turned to Gar.

"Question, did Rachel season the eggs at all while you were out here?" I asked Gar looking at the eggs.

"No, who seasons eggs?" Gar responded.

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