A healing, an injured teen and a family reunited

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AN: Yayyy I finally updated. Sorry it took so long I've had stuff going on. Apologies if this chapter is really long I just really wanted to get up to season two so we can have more Jason-y/n scenes. If you want me to separate it into two then just let me know in the comments and I'll try to do that.

I don't exactly know how long we were in the car, probably because I fell asleep, but it must have been a while because it had already been daytime when we had finally gotten to Ohio. We pulled up outside double story house with white wood planks.

We all got out of the truck and admired the house. Before one-by-one walking up the porch steps. Gar peered through the windows and Angela was examining a key before using it to unlock the door. When the door was opened, we all slowly made our way into the house.

Time Skip

We were all stood in the living room, Rachel had decided she was going to heal Kory of her headaches or whatever, I stood next to Gar with my hands placed in my pockets.

"Do you have any idea of what you're doing?" Kory asked Rachel.

"None." Rachel answered earnestly.

"Ok." Kory breathed laughing "Yeah, let's give it a try."

Rachel put her hand out about to start when she stopped.

"And if anything starts to hurt, let me know." She said nervously.

"Okay." Kory said.

Rachel placed her hands on either side of Kory's head and closed her eyes.

"Do you feel anything?" Rachel asked.

"No." Kory whispered "Maybe a little tingling, but..."

"Rachel, I don't think this-"

Suddenly, Kory's head went up to the roof, Kory seemed to be perfectly still.

"Kory?" Gar mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear. (A/n I did not know what word to use, ok? And I wanted to avoid writers block soooooo)

Rachels breathing grew fast, almost pained as Kory's head lowered. All of a sudden, Kory's eyes turned green as her hand went to Rachel's throat, Rachel began to scream out in pain. Gar and I rushed forward to pull Kory off of Rachel.

"Kory stop you're hurting her!" Gar yelled as we pulled her off of Rachel.

The moment her hand was off Rachels neck however, she grabbed Gar's neck instead.

"Kory?" He choked out struggling to get her hand off "It's me, Gar."

"Kory let go!" I yelled debating whether or not I should use my powers against her.

The door broke open and Dick rushed through, Gar was thrown against Dick and I quickly moved towards them, both to check on them and to protect myself.

I checked on Gar first as he was clutching his arm and wincing.

"Your arm, okay?" I asked kneeling down next to him and ignoring everything going around me.

When I got no response I looked it over, it seemed fine although looks can be deceiving. Dick got up and grabbed Gars other arm peering over him.

"You alright?" He asked Gar.

"Yeah." He said gasping as he carefully got up "Nice catch."

"What happened?" Dick interrogated.

"She tried to kill my daughter." Angela said as Rachel clutched her throat.

"Rachel?" Dick asked as if asking for confirmation that what Angela had said was true.

Paint splattered tear drops (A Jason todd x reader (Titans))Where stories live. Discover now