Arch Nemesis (10)

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A/N : May contain abuse, drug use, and violence.

Sirens were going off in the distance as kids started scrambling out of the windows and jumping fences in the backyard to get away. Lauren just chuckled under her breathe as one boy got his sagging pants caught on the fence. Lauren was abruptly pulled away from her amusement as she remembered the predicament that she was in. Lauren tried to loosen the grip on her arm from the man that was dragging her back toward the house. Lauren knew that if they made it inside she was screwed.

Lauren knew that if she got caught she would go through the system like everyone else and then she would miss tomorrow's basketball game where scouts were coming to watch a few of the girls play. Lauren couldn't risk it so she fought harder, the bigger guy just tightened his grip.

Lauren did the next best thing and took in her surroundings. There was a pool off to her left and a patio-like setting off to her right. Lauren needed the guy to go right. So Lauren walked over to the right and then took a running leap to the left. The force of Lauren running and catching the guy off guard made him let go. Lauren effectively landed in the pool and swam to the far side. Lauren was out of the pool just as the bigger guy was at the end coming around as fast as he could to catch her again.

Lauren took off running around the pool again to the patio side throwing everything down behind her as she passed and got to the fence and jumped it with ease. Lauren was really stoked that she had worn skinny jeans and a t-shirt, otherwise she would have been too weighed down to get away from the bigger guy.

Lauren saw the red and blue lights as soon as she hit the pavement on the other side of the fence and knew that the running had just started. As if on cue two officers saw her.

"Hey! Stop! Freeze!" One of the officers yelled but Lauren was already taking off.

"Shit!" Lauren said as she smacked her hand on a brick wall making a sharp turn into the alley. Lauren kept running though because even though the two officers didn't look like it they could run. Lauren was starting to lose her breath and knew she needed to lose them soon or she was done for. The wet clothes and shoes were not really helping her right at the moment.

Lauren shed her shirt as she ran and held onto it for dear life as she rounded the next corner and then shot through the park-like a rocket knowing it like the back of her hand in the dark. Lauren laughed when she heard one of them run into the hidden slide on the playground. Lauren figured she was in the clear so to make sure she sprinted out of the park and down the alley to the restaurant that she knew would help her out just like he always did.

Lauren saw the screen was open and shot through the door and right into the big brother she never knew she needed.

"Yo Lauren! What the hell kid!" He yelled catching Lauren by the biceps before she fell to the ground.

"Hey Alex! Mind if I pretend to work here for a little while some hogs are right on my back?" Lauren asked as she placed her shirt back on covering her back before he saw.

"Yeah sure there are some dishes that need catching up on feel free to do them." Alex laughed as he took another set of dinner plates to the dining floor. "Oh and why don't you put on some dry clothes. I have some in my office."

Lauren just shook her head as she grabbed a bowl full of rice and took her phone apart and placed it in the container and put a lid on it. Lauren hoped that it would dry out soon and made her way to his office to change. Coming back out Lauren noticed the huge stack of dishes and got to work. What would Alex do without me? Lauren laughed to herself.

A few hours later the diner was empty and Alex had closed everything up except for the kitchen area. Walking to the kitchen Alex broke Lauren out of the little space case she was having.

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