Lady Killers

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Summary: Camila and Lauren are serial killers who prefer to prey on young women. The serial tag team known as “Camren” have a few signature traits for their murders. Trigger warning for murder and gory.

Lauren leaned against her old black 1969 Mustang. Lauren wore her classic leather jacket and a pair of Ray-Bans over her emerald eyes. She stood on the side of the street.

Lauren sighed as she took out a pack of cigarettes and her lighter. She stuck one in her mouth and lit it up. As Lauren looked up the newspaper caught her eye. Lauren walked over to the stand and pick one up. The front read: Serial Killer duo known as “Camren” is are at it again. Ladies beware.

Lauren smiled to herself. She put the newspaper is her jacket. She had to keep this for Camila. Speaking of Camila, Lauren felt a light tap on her shoulder and turned around to find her brown-eyed girlfriend. 

“Hey babe.” Lauren greeted her. They walked to the car and got in. “Check it out. We made the front page.” Lauren passed the newspaper to Camila.

Camila grinned widely. “Fantastic. Now who’s our next victim?”

That was how it mostly worked. Lauren picked out a girl, seduced her, took her home only for the innocent girl to never leave.

Camila was the real mastermind, finding new ways to torture these victims. Camila was truly insane and Lauren knew it. It made Lauren love Camila even more.

Lauren looked up out to the sidewalk. Lauren smirked as she found the perfect girl. Tall, blonde, blue eyes. “Her.” Lauren confirmed.

Camila smiled at Lauren’s choice. “Perfect.”


Camila and Lauren smiled at the lady tied down to the bed.

“Alright Camz. She’s all yours.” Lauren spoke as her rubbed Camila’s shoulders. Camila was still staring at their newest victim. Lauren walked out of the bedroom. The young girl eyed Camila worried. 

Camila only continued to smile. She slowly walked to the medical tray next to the bed. The tray contained many torture devices. Camila’s favorite was the butcher knife. Camila instantly picked it up. The girl’s eyes widen in fear. She began to scream through the cloth that was in her mouth.

“Killing is starting to become boring.” Camila admitted to the girl. “What do you suggest I pick up? I was thinking knitting.”

Camila lightly ran the knife across the girl’s right shoulder, where her arm and body met. “But where’s the thrill in knitting?” Camila pondered.

Camila raised the knife up high and brought it down, cutting the girl’s arm off. Blood splattered everywhere, landing on Camila’s entire body. The girl screamed and cried. Camila grinned, satisfied with the reaction she received.

Camila placed the butcher knife back on the tray. She leaned down close to the girl’s face.

“Shh. Don’t cry.” Camila cooed. Camila removed the dirty cloth from the girl’s mouth. Her cheeks stained with tears, her lips quivering with fear. 

Camila turned to her handy-dandy tray and grabbed a metal mouth piece. The piece is used at dentist to keep the mouth open and make it easier to perform surgery.

Camila placed the dentist tool in the girl’s mouth.

“I’ve always been fascinated with the human mouth.” Camila told the young lady. “Especially the tongue.”

The girl knew what was coming next and began to cry again. Camila picked up a smaller knife.

“You already know what’s next. You’re smart. I like that.” Camila complemented the girl.

Camila carefully looked in her mouth and moved the knife around. “Ah right here.” Camila said as she found the place where she would remove the tongue. With a swift move, Camila held the girl’s tongue in her hands. Camila removed the metal tool and closed the girl’s mouth.

The girl was crying silently now.

“Lauren!” Camila called out.

Lauren soon entered the room. “Yeah babe?”

“Can you please place this in the cooler?” Camila asked ever so sweetly.

“Of course babe.”

Lauren grabbed the tongue and walked out.

“See that’s the girl who you thought you were going to hook up with tonight. But you see, she’s mine and I get to have sex with her.” Camila explained to the girl.

The girl only cried some more.


“This one bled a lot more than usual.” Lauren noted.

Camila hummed as her answer. The duo were cleaning up the mess. Camila was still covered in blood.

They had dumped the body. Camila, with the help of Lauren, had chopped of the girl’s legs and other arm. She eventually died from blood loss.

“Lauren, do you think I’m insane?” Camila asked her girlfriend.

“Yes indeed you are very insane.” Lauren answered.

“Thank you.” Camila said with a devilish smile.

A/N: well i was some request for something scary and I’ve been watching a lot of Criminal Minds lately and this happened.

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