Pumpkin Guts

240 9 1

By: ephemeralwords



Sometimes all it takes are some guts and maybe a little bit of rain.


A delicate, brown-haired girl popped out of the passenger side door of her car. She hurriedly made her way to the trunk while pulling her hood up in an attempt to protect her long locks from the falling rain. She yanked the trunk open and reached her arms around the girth of a large, orange pumpkin. She used her elbow to knock the trunk back down and waddled her way back to the passenger door. Her mother, Sinuhe, laughed at her from the safety of the driver seat and rolled the passenger window down a few inches.

"I told you to bring an umbrella, Camila." The girl squinted her eyes in a glare, "I feel like I'm taking a shower," she groaned. Sinuhe laughed again and shook her head. "Go in the house, Mila. I'll see you later."

Camila told her mother goodbye and moved as fast she could up to the house. She felt her knees buckle a little as she shifted the pumpkin to her left side and used her right arm to ring the doorbell. Thunder grumbled across the sky and the girl felt a shiver run through her body. She usually found rain quite relaxing and pleasant, but she had never been particularly fond of thunder or lightning.

Camila muttered under her breath at her stupidity for not having called ahead. Her sweatshirt had already been soaked through and she could feel her t-shirt underneath grow damp. Finally, the door in front her was yanked opened. A green-eyed girl stood in the doorway and waved to Sinuhe, who beeped in response and drove away.

"Hey, Camz." the green-eyed girl greeted with a grin, her arms crossed and body leaning against the doorframe.

"Lauren, if you don't take this pumpkin and let me in..." Camila started with a grimace. Lauren quickly grabbed the pumpkin and let out a small laugh while moving her body to the side to let Camila in. Camila dripped her way into the foyer and shook the soreness out of her arms.

"Stop! You're soaking everything!" Lauren squealed as water droplets hit her face. A smile crept onto Camila's face, "I don't know what you're talking about, Lo." Camila proceeded to shake the top half of her body in front of Lauren. Lauren groaned out in frustration as the water splashed across her head and chest. She attempted to glare at the smaller girl, but the corners of her mouth soon tugged up into a smile. Camila shrugged her shoulders and gave her a cheeky grin and began to peel off her soaked sweatshirt.

"Oh no, you're not taking that thing off in here," Lauren called over her shoulder while she made her way towards the kitchen, "Go borrow some of my clothes." Camila had reached the fourth step when Lauren yelled; "Leave yours in the bathroom!"

Camila squished her way up the familiar staircase not bothering to remain quiet, as Lauren's family had gone out for the night. They had been invited to a Halloween party thrown by the parents of one of Taylor's friends. Lauren and Chris had been given the option not to go and, given the opportunity, they both took it. Chris was sleeping over his friend's house and Lauren had invited Camila over to carve pumpkins.

Camila pushed her way into Lauren's room and flipped the light switch. She pulled open a drawer at random and felt heat rise to her cheeks as her eyes took in the many different colored thongs and bras. She hastily shut the drawer and opened one towards the bottom of the dresser, grabbing a pair of sweatpants. Her feet padded against the carpeted floors as she plucked a lime green t-shirt off the back of Lauren's chair and made her way into the bathroom. In the bathroom, she stripped, with some difficulty, out of her wet clothing and left it in a pile on the floor. Camila pushed her nose against the t-shirt, smiling at Lauren's scent. Feeling a little embarrassed, she quickly made her way back down the stairs towards the kitchen.

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