Nightmares on Nightmares

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But like, imagine someone actually cuddling with your crush. Couldn't be me.

Blood, dark red puddles surrounds the room. A shattered pair of glasses lay in front of my feet. An empty hole fills the chest of my mentor, as he slowly dies in front of my eyes.

"Why....didn't you save me...?"

The room transforms, a tiny white hair girl sheds tears, pitch black eyes, as her body slowly turns to dust.

"Mr. Deku, why did you let me die?"

Spinning, spinning, multiple faces, surrounded by fog, faces hidden in the shadows.

"You aren't worthy of this power. You're nothing more than a failure."

Heaps of bodies compiled each other, raging fires and laughter rang like church bells in my ears.

"Quirkless bastard!"

"We don't want you here!"

"You'll only get in the way!"

"My boy..."

I look to see a sullen face, golden hair on a skinny body, a bullet hole right between his eyes.

"I should have never picked you as my successor. The world needed you, and you failed it. Midoriya...,

"You could never be a hero."

"NO!" Izuku Midoriya awoke with a start, his heart pounding in his ear drums. Sweat drenched his entire shirt and forehead like he came out of a sauna. He clenched his chest, almost to forcibly put an end to the maddening sound in his ears. "Just breathe, 1, 2, 1...2...."

His heart race slowed, and he sighed as he glances at his alarm clock. 2:45 am, another nightmare to disturb him from his slumber.

It's been nonstop for awhile now. Granted, ever since he was a kid, he couldn't sleep well, simply from the bullying and thoughts of worthlessness. Now, with the constant missions and stress, it was getting harder and harder each day to maintain a smile.

Thankfully, he didn't break another window, practicing with Black Whip has helped keep One for All under control, but he couldn't silence the thoughts that crept into his dreams at night.

Usually when he couldn't sleep, he would go do late night training or study, but his mind didn't want to focus on either. Instead, he decided to grab something to drink, maybe a glass of water would help settle his mind.

Quietly, he grabbed another shirt from his dresser and left his dorm room. Without a sound, he walked towards the dining room area, grabbing a glass from the cabinet. He gasp, as he looked at his arm.

It was shaking. Violently.

He places the cup on the counter, hovering over the sink. Tears ran down his face, flashing memories of who he couldn't save, who he use to be. He wanted nothing more than to turn back the clock, to change anything. If he was stronger, if he made another plan, could things be different? Could he have saved more lives, kept All Might in action for a little longer?


In the dark, he turned and saw his classmate Ochaco Uraraka, in her pajamas with oven mitts on, watching him.

"O-oh, Ochaco, sorry..."

"Don't apologize, you didn't do anything wrong. Are you okay?" She took a step forward, reaching for his arms. She could feel his whole body trembling.

"I...I've been having nightmares lately. It's not helping my sleep schedule. I feel so guilty sometimes, I don't deserve to be hero if I can't keep the ones I love alive..."

"Deku, look at me." His head turns to look at the brunette, who smiled sadly. "You're not the only one who feels that way sometimes.

"We live in a world where we constantly have to put our life on the line, I myself can recall multiple nights where dark thoughts terrorized me. But that's why we have each other, we can rely on one another when we need too.

"So come on," she opened her arms widely, "I heard hugs always make things better-"

Without hesitation, Izuku hugged her back, resting his head on her shoulders. Ochaco blushes slightly at their intimacy, but was happy nonetheless to be close with him.

"I just...I really want them to end. The nightmares..."

"I get it, I hope they do too. But if they don't, we always got each other."

He lifts his head off her shoulder, wiping at his puffy eyes. "Thanks Uraraka, I needed that. Although I doubt I'll get any sleep tonight still."

"Hmm..." Ochaco thought for a moment, tapping her chin with her oven mitt. He found it adorable.

"Wait, why did you come down here this late?"

"Oh, I couldn't sleep either. Like I said, you aren't the only one. I've been thinking lately, since we saved Eri."

Izuku nodded for her to continue, and she beckoned him to the couch in the main room. They took a seat and she continued,

"I've made my goal to save people, more than anything I want to protect the ones I love. But I've always asked myself, who protects the heroes when they are hurt? More than anything, I want to protect my heroes, like you Deku......"

Her voice trailed off, as she nervously swallowed after she said that. Izuku felt his face turning red, praying that she couldn't see him too well in the darkness. "That's amazing Uraraka, I promise I'll do the same for you, so if you ever have any nightmares, please come to me so I can comfort you as well."

"You know it." They chuckled quietly in the dark, and sat there for a few moments. Suddenly, Izuku heard quiet snores coming from Ochaco.

"She must have fell asleep, I should carry you back to bed." At least, that was his intentions. But his body also felt sluggish, moving would be a hassle.

He slightly jump, feeling Ochaco's head rest on his shoulders. She murmured the word "mochi" in her sleep, giggling and snoring.

"You're way...too cute...Ura...rak...a."

He felt himself drifting to sleep as well, and before he knew it, he was knocked out. No nightmares came. Instead, grassy fields and the laughter of a brunette girl sitting underneath a cherry blossom tree...

The next morning, slowly, one by one the dorms began stirring. The first one down was Iida Tenya, ready to await his classmates' arrival. Instead, he saw his two best friends snuggled up very, very close to each other. Quite literally, Ochaco was on top of Izuku with her hands around his neck, and Izuku's arms were wrapped around her so tightly as if someone would try and steal her at any minute.

'Hmm, normally this would violate the school rules, but..."

"Morning Iida," Class Vice President Momo Yaoyorozu said, stifling a yawn. "Do we have the current itinerary-"

She stopped mid-sentence once Iida began shushing her with his arms moving throughout the air. Behind him, she could see the two cinnamon rolls cuddling.

"That's absolutely cute, we HAVE to take a picture."

"We can't do that, that's invasion of privacy!" He grabs a spare blanket and spread it out over them.

Momo pouted, while more students began coming down stairs. Iida glances at his friends, who looked more comfortable and well-rested than before.

"Actually...maybe one."

After that, Iida explained to Aizawa-Sensei that Izuku and Ochaco wasn't in class because they needed rest, and all of Class 1-A had a picture of the two, who became very embarrassed after waking up.

This is a short one, but I hope y'all like it. I got a few more ideas and then I'm gonna open a suggestion chapter.

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