Golden Dandelions

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Um, prepare yourself.

"Hey, D-Deku, we got your order right here."

Izuku absentmindedly looked up, seeing the beautiful bouquet he ordered. "Ah, thank you, I can always count on you." The flower shop was quaint and overall suburban. Not much stood out, but Izuku could always count on the finest selections of flowers.

"H-how's work going?" The nervous old lady shook a little, as Izuku smiled dearly. "Pretty good, the world is more peaceful than ever. Well, I shouldn't keep Ochaco waiting, now should I?"

The old lady paused, biting her tongue, before nodding with a giggle. "Say hi for me." With a wave goodbye, Izuku activated Blackwhip and began traversing the city.

Life have been pleasant, as he climbed the ranks faster and faster, already in the top 10. The League of Villains was nonexistent, society became content with quiet times. He leapt over the buildings, keeping the flowers close to his heart. He couldn't wait to see Ochaco, it's been awhile since their last date.

"Maybe I should take her on a picnic..." Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a small ice cream shop. "She loves mochi, I'll grab her some." Thus, leading to him traveling for extra items across the city. Many greeted him, some with joy, others with pity. He understood why, life had thrown him in the front line, the world needed someone to depend on and he was the top one from UA. He had to carry that burden, couldn't let the world continue without another symbol, no, a legend to strike down evil before it whispers and leave any remains.

He felt his phone ringing, looking at the contact expecting to see his beloved. Rather, it was his close friend, Todoroki.

"Hey Todoroki, what's up?"

"Midoriya, where are you right now?"

"Oh, picking up some things for my date with Ochaco. You need anything?"

"Midoriya, I don't think-"

"Ah, sorry Todoroki, let's talk later, I'm running late!" He quickly ended his phone call, dashing towards his condo apartment. He quickly changed from his hero costume, donning his striped suit with red shoes, reminiscent of their I-Island trip back in their first year. "She'll love this, it's a classic." After fixing his tie, and finally getting it the right windsor know thanks to Google, he grabbed a basket and a blanket, grabbed his items and rushed out the door.

Ochaco lived outside the city, far from the inner city. A young security man acknowledged at the entrance. "Back again, Mr. Midoriya?" The man had witnessed Izuku come and go many times, seeing him wasn't a surprise.

"Of course, have to get ready for my date!" The young man said nothing, buzzing him in as he walked past the gates. Once he was inside, the gates creaked shut, with a rusty clash. He took the stroll down a clear path, breathing in the crisp air. The autumn season was right around the corner,  a mixture of orange and red decorated the tree's branches. Humming to himself, he walked up the path. He said hi to those he met along the way, many he recognized while others were new to him. Finally, after 10 more minutes of walking, he arrived.

He couldn't help but smile, as a took a seat right in front of her. "Oh, that's not good, let's get you cleaned up, my love." He gently wiped off some dust, clearing the gravestone's top and revealing it's name:

Ochaco "Uravity" Uraraka
A Beautiful Hero, A Wonderful Friend
Thank You For Everything

"There, that's better." He laid out the blanket in front of her, before sitting down. "Hope you've been doing alright, sorry I haven't visited in a while, work is annoying, you know?" He chuckled at the silence, waiting for a response that was never going to come.

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