love & surprises

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Kaminari POV

School is more tortuous than usual today.

I have trouble concentrating in my classes since my mind is occupied elsewhere. It doesn't help that the halls of UA are all plastered with Valentine's Day decorations. I've seen enough pink in the last couple of days that I'm starting to hate it, and it's my third favorite color after yellow and black.

Now, alone in the library, I'm ripping my hair out over all these math equations. It doesn't matter how many times Ectoplasm goes over them in class, I just don't understand any of it.

I hate being such a failure like this. In middle school, I was at the top of my class. I had to have good grades in order to be accepted into UA. But of course, with UA being the top hero school in the country, the curriculum is much tougher than anything I'm used to. At times like this I wonder if they made a mistake by accepting me into the program.

To top it all off, I'm so frustrated as I attempt my math homework that I accidentally break my pencil in half.

Groaning, I reach into the front pocket of my bag to grab a spare. However, the first thing my fingers brush against is a piece of paper. I furrow my brows as I pull it out. I'm definitely not the most organized person, but I never stash papers into the compartment where I store my writing utensils.

It's been folded twice. A handful of questions race through my head as I twirl it in my hands, none of which can be answered unless I open it.

However, once I start reading it, I'm only hit with more questions.

Dear Denki,

I hope you don't mind that I'm writing this to you anonymously. It's hard for me to put myself out there like this, but I still wanted to send you this message.

I noticed you haven't been acting much like yourself lately. Given that Valentine's Day is coming up, along with the fact that you more than make it known how badly you want to find someone, I'm guessing it has something to do with that. I know it can get lonely sometimes, especially when everyone around you is coupling up. But I want you to know that just because you've been unlucky in finding love, that doesn't mean you're not worth loving.

The truth is, I've admired you since the day I met you. You have such a comforting presence that I don't even think you realize. Every time you walk into a room, I know my day is about to get a whole lot better. Even your smile can instantly lift my mood.

I hope I'm not being too forward when I say this, but you seriously have the most adorable smile. Your nose crinkles and your cheeks turn the palest shade of pink and I can't help but smile back every single time.

I especially love how funny you are. The best part is you're not even trying to be funny, it just comes naturally to you. The fact that you can be unapologetically yourself and still brighten so many people's days is something I deeply admire about you. Your personality is infectious. Dare I say, it's "electrifying". (Okay, that was corny, I'll see myself out.)

In all seriousness, please never stop being yourself. I promise you that you make more of an impact on others than you think.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Love, your secret admirer

PS: You're really cute

I read the note over again. Then one more time, because it still doesn't sink in. At first I think this must be for someone else, but it's addressed to me, clear as day.

I have a secret admirer?





I don't care how stupid I look in this library right now. My eyes scan the words on the paper repeatedly until I memorize them, the widest grin encompassing my face. I hug the note to my chest and let out a loving sigh.

This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. Am I blushing right now? Probably. But I dare anyone else to not do the same if they were in my position.

This is like something out of a romance movie. Bakugou teases me all the time for enjoying them so much, but joke's on him! Now I get to live one out in my real life!

I wonder who sent this to me. Honestly, it doesn't matter. Anyone who's able to see past all my flaws (and I have a lot of them) and appreciate me the way that I am, the least I can do is give them a chance.

Reading the note one more time, my eyes fixate on the paragraph about my smile. I never noticed that my nose crinkles when I smile, or that my cheeks turn pink. For someone to notice such a minor detail, they must really like me. Now all I want to do is smile at everyone I see. According to my secret admirer, I look adorable when I do it! Maybe I should smile at myself in the mirror sometime to see it for myself.

Once the high wears off from the feeling of being wanted, a glimmer of sadness washes over me. I have no way of tracking down who this person is. They have to be pretty crafty if they slipped the note in my bag without me noticing. The problem is they could have put it there at any time. I haven't opened that compartment of my backpack since last night.

Oh well, I'm far too elated to care. That problem can be solved another day, hopefully before Valentine's Day. Whoever this person is, I want them to be my date. But first, I'm going to read this letter a few more times.

Gosh, I can't wait to show this to my friends. Especially Kiri. He'll be so excited for me!

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