love & generosity

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Kirishima POV

Bakugou curses at a man who accidentally bumps into him as we exit the train station. Throwing my free hand on my friend's shoulder, I escort the both of us away from the crowd before an ugly altercation takes place. I only remove my hand when we're far away from the chaos. Walking back to campus, Bakugou clutches onto his shopping bag while glaring at mine.

"I still think you got way too much stuff."

I shake my head. "He'll love it. He's always wanted to be spoiled on Valentine's Day."

Bakugou snorts. "And you still deny that you're in love with the idiot."

I slap his shoulder. "I'm not in love, I just feel bad. Didn't you see how upset he was in class today when he didn't get a love letter? He kept saying he was fine, but I know when Denki's faking a smile."

"You know," he says, "you had the perfect opportunity to tell him the truth this morning while you guys were alone. Then you wouldn't have to be doing this."

I smile at him. "But...if I didn't go shopping and ask you to join, then you never would have found that bear for Todoroki."

Bakugou blushes as his grip on his shopping bag tightens. At one of the stores we went to, we spotted an adorable Valentine's Day bear on one of the shelves. Bakugou says getting gifts for your significant other on Valentine's Day is stupid since people shouldn't wait for a specific day to do something special, but even he couldn't deny that it was perfect for Todoroki. The stuffed bear is white, decorated with little red hearts all over it. He hesitated to purchase it since I was with him and he has an image to uphold, but he caved at the last minute, because whether or not he wants to admit it, deep down Bakugou's a softie.

"Shut up," he mumbles.

"Hey," I say, "I think it's nice you bought him a gift. Nothing wrong with doing something to show you care about him."

Bakugou rolls his eyes. "Hypocrite."

The rest of our walk back to campus occurs in silence. Occasionally peeking into my own bag, I smile at all the stuff I bought for Denki. Knowing him as well as I do, he's going to be so happy when he receives everything. Part of me wants to hand him this stuff in person and mask it as an apology from a third party since his "secret admirer" didn't leave him a letter. But I know how much Denki cares about his secret admirer and the joy it brings him when he receives something from them. So, I'll leave these for him in the way that will probably make him the happiest.

I nudge Bakugou when we reach the steps of the dorms. "So, you're still okay with the plan for tomorrow?"

He sighs. "Yeah, I have nothing better to do anyway. Although, I feel like I should start asking you for something in return with all these damn favors I'm doing."

"Oh, sure. I can do your homework for the rest of the month, if you want."

"I meant to have you do something that would benefit me. I actually like having good grades, thank you."

I open the door to the dorm common room, allowing him to walk in first. "Well, I can help with pretty much anything. Do you want money?"

Bakugou scrunches his face, looking at the ground. Then, after a few seconds of silence, he mutters his condition in my ear. "I need help planning a Valentine's Day date for Todoroki."

My eyes widen, my smile stretching across my face. "Seriously? What happened to thinking Valentine's Day is stupid?"

"Of course it's stupid," he grunts. "But it's our first as a couple. And, well...that Icyhot bastard's a sap for that stuff."

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