love & dilemmas

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Kirishima POV

I groan in frustration as Bakugou lays out a draw four card. "Come on! This isn't fair!"

Bakugou snickers. "Not my fault you suck at this game. Oh, color changed to blue."

My turn is skipped and Mina puts down a blue six. Sero follows up with a green six, and we circle through several rounds. I seem to only gain cards rather than lose them. I was never good at Uno anyway.

We're sitting on the floor in the common room, the couches being occupied by some of our classmates. We've been here for about an hour or so, casually wasting time and goofing around. It's been fun, but the dynamic isn't the same without a certain someone around.  

Mina seems to have the same thought as me. "Anyone know when Denki's getting back?" she says.

"Beats me," Sero says. "He said he had a lot of work to get done at the library."

I sweep my bangs out of my face, my hair no longer spiked up after my shower. I do my best not to frown, but I really miss Denki. I want to make sure he's okay. I'm also curious if he's received my letter yet. He must have. I put it in his backpack over twelve hours ago. Still, I figure he'd have said something if he did.

Maybe he read it but didn't like it.

The idea hurts, I won't lie. I put a lot of thought into that letter and I thought Denki would find it special. Perhaps I don't know him as well as I think I do.

Just then, Toru Hagakure races into the common room and heads straight for our group. "Mina! Mina!"

Mina looks up at her friend with wide eyes. "What's up?"

Hagakure squeals as she repeatedly stomps her feet. "Ojiro asked me to be his date for Valentine's Day!"

Now Mina's on her feet and she and Hagakure hold onto each other, jumping up and down. "That's amazing!" she says. "I knew he would!"

They celebrate a bit longer before Hagakure scurries away to share the news with Uraraka and Tsu. Mina takes a seat again in the circle and brushes off her top.

"Honestly, I'm glad Denki wasn't here to hear that. Poor guy has been sad enough all week."

Bakugou grunts. "Little bastard needs to get over it. There's more important things than love. Besides, no one's gonna want his ass if he keeps sulking about how much he hates being single."

My lips curl into a pout as I give a small shrug. "I don't know. I'm sure someone out there will appreciate him."

Bakugou gives me a look, though I don't have time to decipher it because Denki chooses that moment to run into the common room, screaming at the top of his lungs.


I flash my teeth as a grin stretches across my entire face. I already know he's so energized because he got my letter given that he's holding it, but even if it were something else I wouldn't care. All that matters is he's smiling again. His pure, warm, captivating Denki smile.

I missed that smile. So much.

Denki squeezes himself between Bakugou and me. He accidentally bumps Bakugou's shoulder in the process, resulting in him getting cursed out, yet that sparkle never leaves his eye.

"What's up, man?" Sero asks.

Denki waves the letter for all of us to see. "I have a secret admirer!"

Mina and Sero gasp. Bakugou purses his lips as he raises an eyebrow. I put on the acting performance of the year as I pretend to be surprised along with the rest of them.

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