love & denial

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Kirishima POV

I'm an idiot.

How did it never cross my mind that Denki would be so determined to find out the identity behind his love letters? They were just supposed to help boost his confidence, which I suppose they did, but they also landed me in the middle of a huge mess.

It doesn't help that Denki's been running around flaunting his newest letter to everyone he runs into. He's even giving people extra hugs because I wrote in the letter that he gives the best ones. That wasn't a lie, to be fair. Denki really does give the best hugs. Honestly, those supplemental hugs from him are the only things that bring me any comfort today.

At all other times, I'm too busy worrying about how big of a hole I dug myself into.

I have to fix this, but how? The last thing I need is Denki figuring out it's me who's been sending those letters, but I also don't want him to be disappointed if he never discovers who his "secret admirer" is. This is all too complicated. My brain isn't cut out for this.

I have to consult an expert.

It's late in the evening, but not that late. He's probably still awake. At least, I hope he is.

Bakugou's room is next to mine, so I don't even bother putting on my slippers when I leave to see him. Because I'm too amped up from recent events, I also don't bother knocking and instead just allow myself inside. Which, I learn, is a grave mistake.

Bakugou has his head in Todoroki's lap as the two of them are cuddled up on his bed. Bakugou smiles up at him. I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen Bakugou smile, unless I include the times he smiles after inflicting pain on people. Todoroki leans down and kisses him gently and Bakugou slides a hand into Todoroki's hair, playing with his red and white locks.

Well, this is awkward.

When they pull away, Todoroki notices me first. He straightens his posture and his eyes widen.

"Kirishima," he gasps.

Bakugou turns his head and, upon seeing me, lifts his head from Todoroki's lap and sits up. To say he looks angry is an understatement.


I shield a hand over my eye. "Sorry! I just needed to talk to you. It's an emergency."

Peeking through my fingers, I see Todoroki smile at Bakugou.

"It's okay," he says. "You two can talk." He climbs out of Bakugou's bed before leaning back down to kiss his cheek. With a wink, he says, "We can continue this later."

Bakugou smiles like a schoolboy until he realizes I'm still standing in the doorway and am witnessing this entire exchange. He then twists his mouth into a sharp scowl.

Todoroki and I say goodbye to each other before he exits the room. Once he's gone, Bakugou stands up, stomps over to me, and grabs me by the shirt.

"You better have a damn good reason for barging in like that."

I hold my hands up in surrender. He must believe I'm sincerely apologetic because he takes pity on me and lets go.

"I'm sorry man," I say, "I should've knocked."

He crosses his arms. "Yeah, you should've. But it's whatever at this point. What's the problem?"

I duck my head. "I...did something stupid."

"And this is news because?"

Groaning, I tug at my hair. "Promise not to judge me when I tell you this, okay?"

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