love & us

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Kirishima POV

"Quick, he's coming! Act natural!"

Denki, Jirou, Yaoyorozu and I rush to the couches. Jirou and Yaoyorozu cuddle on one and Denki and I cuddle on the other. We look really underdressed compared to them as they're dressed for a fancy dinner date later tonight.

Denki, tucked under my arm, starts whistling. If he didn't look so cute doing it then I'd tell him it only makes him appear more suspicious. But, now that I think about it, it shouldn't matter. Todoroki, as rad as he is, isn't the best at picking up social cues.

He strolls into the common room, glancing around as if he's looking for something. Or someone, to be more specific. Judging from his dress shirt and pants, he got the letter Bakugou left for him under his door. Yes, a letter. Yes, it was my idea. Sue me. 

"Hey, Todoroki," Denki says. "What's up?"

Todoroki holds up the note. "I got this letter from Bakugou. He wants me to come find him, but I don't know where I'm supposed to look."

I cup my chin, doing my best to keep my face neutral. "Hmm," I say. "How about those red arrows on the floor there?"

Todoroki tilts his head over to where I'm pointing. It's a good thing I do. Who knows how long it would've taken him to realize they were there otherwise?

Stitched into the carpet are several red arrows that point toward the kitchen. Yaoyorozu's responsible for the arrows and we asked Awase from class 2-B to weld them into the carpet. A lot of work went into setting everything up.

Todoroki waves at us before following the arrows into the kitchen. Then, we count to five before we all get up and trail behind him. Already out of the kitchen, Todoroki strolls down the hallway that leads to the back exit. We hang back until Todoroki steps outside onto the terrace, still oblivious to us following him, then sprint to the door and crouch down. Jirou and Yaoyorozu stay low while Denki and I lift our heads just enough to peek out the door window. Jirou plugs one ear to the door and the other into a small speaker created by Yaoyorozu.

Todoroki has his back to us so I'm unable to see his reaction to how the back terrace is decorated. However, I'm sure he's impressed. How can he not be? Lights hang along the exterior. Denki's the one who hung them up and he's proud of how they turned out. The music playing in the background is phenomenal, though that's to be expected since Bakugou asked Jirou to burn him a CD for this purpose. I hold my laughter in when I spot the little white and red bear Bakugou bought for Todoroki on a table to the side. A romantic table for two is set up toward the back, a single rose in a vase adorning the center.

And of course, there's Bakugou in his simple button up shirt. Earlier, I sat in his room while he tried on twelve different shirts. I kept telling him that he looked fine in any of them. He kept yelling at me in response. But everything worked out.

My mouth curls upward looking at Bakugou's smile. He always smiles like he's the luckiest man in the world whenever he looks at Todoroki. It's the same way I've been smiling at Denki over the last few days.

Bakugou greets Todoroki with a warm embrace. "You look so beautiful," I hear him say through the speaker.

"Thank you," Todoroki mumbles, adjusting his clothes. He peers around the terrace, admiring the decorations. "This is...incredible."

Bakugou kisses Todoroki's cheek, his hands still resting on the other boy's hips. "Happy Valentine's Day," he whispers.

Trying to be subtle, I shift my gaze toward Denki. A small smile forms on his face as the scene unravels in front of him. I wonder if he thinks the same thing I do when he sees Bakugou and Todoroki together. That someday, hopefully that will be us.

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