love & happiness

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Kaminari POV

I sleep through my alarm, so that's great.

Not that I could help it, though. I stayed up way late last night dissecting that letter from my secret admirer. I searched for hidden clues, analyzed the handwriting, did practically everything I could think of to possibly lead me closer to figuring out who wrote it. But I came up empty.

There's always the possibility that Bakugou was right after all. Maybe someone really did just send me that letter to make fun of me, and I've spent all this time thinking about this mystery person for nothing. I don't want to believe that someone would ever stoop so low, but it wouldn't surprise me. It is quite the coincidence that someone professed their feelings for me right when I felt at my lowest about not having a valentine.

Still, Kiri said he thinks I'll get another letter, and I want to believe him.

I forgo breakfast since I don't have time. Honestly, I'm a bit sad that Kiri doesn't stop by my room or text me to see if I'm okay. We always have breakfast together. Though I suppose it's possible he overslept too. It'd be a strange coincidence, but it also wouldn't be the most surprising thing that's happened this week.

Stumbling into homeroom, Kiri's bright smile is the first thing I see. It's funny. The more I think about that letter I got, the more I wonder why Kiri has never found love for himself. Out of all the guys in our class, he's easily the biggest catch. He's kind, athletic, and in the most platonic way possible, I find him really handsome. It's a shame no one's snatched him up yet. He'll make a great partner for somebody one day.

As I approach my desk, I notice a folded piece of paper right in the center. My legs almost give out from under me when my brain registers what it is.

"It was on your desk when we got here," Kiri says. "See, didn't I tell you?"

I plop down in my seat and open the letter all in less than a second. Leaning back in my chair, I hold it out at an appropriate distance so Kiri and I can read it together.

Dear Denki,

Has anyone ever told you that you give the best hugs? You should start charging people for them. Whenever you wrap your arms around me, my mind feels relaxed. My body feels secure. My heart feels complete.

I'm sorry I can't reveal to you my identity. I'm way too embarrassed and I already know you don't feel the same way about me. But I hope these letters bring some level of comfort to that beautiful heart of yours.

Love, your secret admirer

I had a feeling that's who the letter would be from, but I didn't want to assume. But it's true. My secret admirer sent me another love letter.


I rotate my head to check if Kirishima's still reading it, but his eyes are fixated on my smile, his smile growing even wider the longer he looks at it. I guess my excitement is contagious.

"This is a big clue," I tell him. "This person says I give good hugs, so I must've hugged them before."

Kirishima chuckles. "You hug a lot of people."

I stick out my lower lip and stare at the ceiling. "That's true." I shrug. "Oh well, at least I got another letter. Do you think they'll send more?"

"Possibly," he replies. "I guess it depends if they think it's worth it or not. It seems like this person really wants to stay anonymous."

Pouting, I tilt my head down. "That's too bad. I know it sounds silly, but these last two letters have made me the happiest I've been in a while."


Spinning around in my chair, I study Kiri's expression. His eyebrows are raised and his lips are twisted into what's almost a frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He presses his lips together. "I knew the letters made you happy, but I didn't realize they had that much of an impact on you."

"Well they do," I insist. "I really want to know who's sending them to me. I know they think that I don't feel the same way about them, but maybe I will if I get to know them. At the very least, I can tell by these letters that this person has a good heart."

Kiri grabs the back of his neck. "Yeah, that's true I guess."

I beam at him. "I'm telling you E, I'm gonna find out who my secret admirer is. One way or another, I'm going to figure out their identity if it's the last thing I do."

He gives a closed mouth smile, something he doesn't typically do. "Great. I hope it works out for you."

Dear Denki (Kirikami)Where stories live. Discover now