Chapter 15 : Sealing Away The Dark Magic

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Chapter 15 : Sealing Away The Dark Magic

It doesn't take long for me to gather up my father and take him back to the camp. I help the nymphs patch him up before I kiss him on the forehead and tell him to rest, rushing out of the medical tent to grab myself sword.

When I arrive the battle field is oddly empty, I pick up a staff that's frosting the grass and study at it before I look around.

Edmund is lying in the grass gasping and wheezing as one of Jadis' dwarves stand over him, a knife held over his head, ready to plunge into Edmund's heart.

"Stop!" I scream, my voice ripping from my throat as I point the staff at the dwarf. From the top of the staff comes a flurry of sharp ice crystals, which shoot towards him and embed themselves in his flesh, cutting clean through his clothes.

I pale as the dwarf drops to the ground, my shaking hands dropping both my sword and the staff, before I bring them up to my face and look at them.

I didn't want to kill someone, no matter how evil they've been.

I clench my hands into fists and rush over to Edmund, kneeling down to see he has blue lips and sunken eyes.

"Ed, don't die on us, okay?" I beg, shaking his shoulders as I bring out several medicinal herbs from my bag. Tilting potions to his lips. "Ed!" My lips tremble and my hands shake

The Pevensie siblings walk over, Peter gently eases me away as Lucy bends down, letting a drop of her potion fall onto Edmund's lips. All of us sighing in relief when he gasps, coughing.

Peter ends down to Edmund's height.

"When are you ever going to do what you're told?" Peter says and he wraps Edmund in a hug.

Lucy looks at her cordial and glances at my hand braces, before looking at the fallen Narnians scattered over the battle field.

"We need to heal them." Lucy says and I murmur in agreement, walking back over to the staff, which is smoking in the grass.

"What do we do with this?" I ask, turning to see Aslan beside me.

"The dark magic within it is too powerful, it would be best to seal it away." He advices, and I do, the minute I get back to camp.


basically i changed ellea to a druid type character because i felt she was a bit too op. also i have an idea about the hand braces, don't worry.

lina x

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