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I scanned through the aisle of photos on the shelf while my dad talked with his lawyer about what he would do to file a report against my mom and Gerardo. The pictures showed a family I never would've recognized in real life. It was my mom, holding me in her arms as a baby, crying and smiling. The other one was a picture of my first birthday. I had a confused look, a little bit of drool dripping of my lower lip. I had my birthday hat, and a cake with a candle shaped like the number one.

The last picture intrigued me.It was Gerardo, my dad, my dad, and myself, sitting on a couch. Gerardo looked young and dare I say handsome. But I shivered, because in that picture he had me on his lap, his hands on my waist. I looked like I was five. My body trembled, and the picture slipped out of my hands, unto the floor, shattering the frame.

My dad stopped and looked at my direction.

"Hey I'll call you back John."

With that he hung up and walked to me, grabbing my shoulders gently.

"What's wrong mi corazon?"

I wasn't sure if I should tell him. He was hurt enough, this would just hurt him more. But he was my dad, he had to know.

"Papi...after you left... Gerardo... he..."

His face turned red, and his jaw clenched up.

"Hijo de puta....I'll kill that son of a bitch!!!"

He punched the wall so hard, his hand went right through it. He roared and he punched the wall once, more, only to reveal another hole. I looked at his knuckle, it was bruised and bleeding, but that didn't seem to bother him. He drew his fist past for another punch.

"Daddy stop!!!"

I grabbed his arm, and instantly, his muscles relaxed.

"Dad it's not worth it...it already happened."

His eyes filled with tears.

"I shouldn't have left!!! I should've taken the pain!! But you...you paid for my wrongdoings."

He held my face and took a long time analyzing my facial features.

"You are still pure and innocent, my dear..."

His words reminded me of Isaac, and I tried not to cry, but I felt weak. I let them out without stopping. My dad kissed my forehead and, held me tight. Since I was eight years old my mother made him seem like the worst of all the fathers. Her lies kept me from being completely happy. But this man was nothing like the one my mom had described. My father, Fernando Benites, was a kind, gentle, caring man. Now that we were together, I would never let go of him.

"You are still my princessita..."

"Oh daddy.."

I buried my face on his chest, he smelled like cologne, not the strong smelling type, but a nice one. It suited him well. I felt my problems dissolve as my father held me tight and kissed my head. For now on, nothing could break me.

Five Hours Later

I arrived at home by 9:40 pm after spending the day with my father. He had given me his phone number and I gave him my address just in case he'd stop by one day. I opened the door to find Clarissa having a full make out session on the couch with her new boyfriend, Travis.

"Damn you sure like grabbing her ass." I said suddenly with a mischievous tone in my voice.

They both flew back from each other and looked at me with surprised.

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