Apartment 410

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The rest of the night was a blur. The only think I remembered were voices. Clarissa took me home at 12:00 am and I went to my room, removed my dress, and lay there with my bra and underwear. I laid on my stomach and took off the ring. I stared at it for a couple of minutes and thought to myself. This is my future. Its going to be Roger and me until the end. I love him, I'm sure I do. But something in my heart triggered to were I began to cry. I had to stop lying to myself. I only had a deep affection for Roger, maybe even empathy. But that wasn't love. Love was more than that. Love was the feeling I got every time I looked at Isaac. But I would no longer see that amazing face. Only the memories would be left for me to remember. I sobbed quietly, my mascara making my tears turn black.
It was too late to tell Isaac the truth...or was it.

I wiped my tears away, and took out a piece of paper. It was going to be a restless night for me so I drew. It started with a few lines, then those lines turned to arms, and the arms attached to bodies. I didn't know how I started, but I drew Isaac and me. How I wish we were. Me, in his arms, and him, protecting me. I ran my fingers over Issac sketched face, wishing I was really doing what was in the picture. Buried in his arms for eternity. I grabbed some colored pencils and a pen. I made the picture come to life with the colors. It was 2 am by the time I finished. My vision began to get blurry, but I wrote three simple words at the top of the picture. My love in three perfect words. Forever and Always.

4 months later

After finishing my afternoon classes I decided to go visit Isaac. It had been several months since we last talked. Roger had noticed a change in my behavior since that night at the restaurant. He had changed to being more jealous, more compulsive, and sometimes, aggressive. I let all that pass because I thought it must be because of his condition. He would get mad when I asked him if I could go with him when he said he needed to go to chemotherapy, so I stopped asking.

I drove to an apartment building that was fifteen minutes away from where I lived. Isaac have moved to an apartment a month ago, not until a week ago did I know. Clarissa informed me anything that had to do with him. I looked at the little piece of paper in my hand that had the apartment number on it. I scanned the doors as I walked. 402....405...407....room 410. That was Isaac's. I took a deep breath and I knocked on the door. I began to here footsteps, then a chain, and then the door opened. He looked different. His hair was cut short, combed to the side, he had grown a little bit of a beard. He was wearing a button down shirt with some jeans and gray Vans. His eyes looked dull, no longer did he have that sparkle. He seemed shocked to see me, as if we hadn't seen each other in years.

"Chelsea, what are you-"

I didn't wait for him to ask, I hugged him tight, burying my face in his chest. He froze for a few seconds, then embraced me in his arms. It was just like the drawing. And in that moment I had never been more happy.

"Isaac who is this bitch?!"

I turned around and saw a latina girl with piercing gray eyes and light brown hair staring at me like if I was scum. She was wearing a tank top, colorful leggings, and Jordan's. She grabbed my arm and pulled me away from Isaac.

"Jess stop it! She's just a friend!"

My heart sunk with the word friend. I looked at the two of them, I stared at Isaac, and without even asking, he answered my mental question.

"Jessie this is Chelsea, my friend, she just came to visit me. Chelsea this is Jess, my girlfriend."

My moment of serenity had collapsed into a pile of hopelessness. I tried my best not to look shocked, so I put on my best fake smile.

"Oh that's great Isaac! I'm so happy for you two."

Jessie was not so convinced but she played along. She stood next to Isaac and wrapped her arm around his.

"Thank you, Isaac makes me so happy, we love each other, isn't that right baby?"

Isaac just forced a grin. Jessie grabbed isaac by the head and right in front of me, started kissing him nonstop. If it wasn't for the fact that I was so hurt, I would've slapped the shit out of her. That was supposed to be me kissing him, not her. But I sucked it up and played that I found it cute.

"You guys are the cutest, I'm sorry for any misunderstanding, I just wanted to stay hi.."

Isaac drew back and looked at me with sorrow. He knew what I must've been feeling at the moment because he had felt that way the night Roger proposed. I smiled , but my eyes began to water so I had to speak fast before my voice cracked.

"Nice seeing you Isaac, I have to go now. Nice meeting you Jessie."

She smirked at me, and wrapped her skinny arms around Isaac's waist.

"The pleasure was all mine. Byeeee."

She waved at me. I didn't even bother to see Isaac's reaction, I ran to the elevator. I was about to cry but I stopped myself. No, you will not cry for a guy. Save your tears for when it matters. I let the feeling sink down in the bottom of my heart. The elevator began going down, and so did my hopes for being happy with the guy I loved. It's too late. He moved on and found someone better. I won't ruin this for him. He seems happy...now you move on.

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