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I woke up the next morning, feeling dreadful and tired, and found myself knocking on Clarissa's bedroom door. I heard a groan from the other side of the door, and gently opened it. She was sleeping,her hand covering her eyes, her mouth open, with a bit of drool seeping out. Being the mean friend I am, I went into my room, rummaged through my drawers, and found my air horn. I slowly tiptoed toward her room, got near the edge of her bed, on my knees and blew the horn right on her face. Immediately, she got up screaming, but next thing I knew she had a gun pointed towards me. We both looked at each other and screamed.

"Chelsea what the hell!?"

"I-i just wanted to play a prank until you went all FBI on my ass!"

She was still holding the gun to my face.

"Mendiga! Get that gun out of my face!"

It was like she didn't notice, and made a shocked face when I told her. She put it back under her pillow and threw herself back on bed. I jumped and laid next to her.

"Where the hell did you get a gun anyway?"

She laid her arm once more on her eyes and gave a sly grin.

"Perks of dating a Russian exchange student, mana."

"Damn, I should go to Europe."

She gave me a grunt/chuckle and hit me with her pillow. I smiled but then I got serious, I laid my head on the pillow and looked at her.

"Hey Clarissa, can I talk to you?"

She turned to look at me and smirked.

"What do you think you're doing right now?"

I gave her a light hearted smile, and she seemed to see I was troubled.

"I'm serious though Chelsea, what's wrong?"

I was hesitant to tell her, I didn't exactly want to explain all my problems.

"Well, Roger texted me yesterday, and he was pissed at me for not coming to the date he set up, remember that I told you about it?"

She nodded.

"Well, he said something about my shittty dreams and fantasies, and to shut up."

Here face flushed with fury and sat up.

"Chelsea, he's been an asshole for a long time, and you know it more than anyone else."

I sat up as well, and looked down at my hands, and my ring. Clarissa sighed and rested her hand on mine.

"Amigis, you have to ask yourself, is this the guy who you want to spend the rest of your life with?"

I stared at her, but got nervous and looked down once more.

"The truth is, I don't want to be with him anymore."

"Then tell him Chelsea. And tell him the reason so he'll think twice about being a jerk to the next girl."

I looked at her once more.

"That is..if he lives to be with another girl, Clarissa."

Her triumphant grin changed into one of a scowl of realization.

"Chelsea...I know you feel bad about leaving him because of his cancer, but you need to find your true happiness. "

I felt comforted, and hugged her tight. She hugged me back and patted my head awkwardly, which made us laugh.

We took about 30 minutes getting ready and dressed to go to school. We took her car and sped off, it was a surprise we weren't stopped by the cops. We both ran to our first class and took a seat on the rows of chairs. As we took a seat, Ms.Meyers began her presentation on the "technological advances throughout history." She lost me at the word "history" and I began drawing little hearts on my drawing of Isaac and me.

There was only five minutes left of class, and I froze as she spoke.

"Class, pass your essays to the right and I will collect them."

I looked at Clarissa as she took out her ten page essay, then she looked at me and her eyes widened.

"Did you do it?" She whispered. But my face had answered for me.

I passed the essays to the right and Ms.Meyers went up each row, collecting the stacks of written paper. Ms.Meyers dismissed the class and the students went scurrying out. I had thought Ms.Meyers didn't notice my paper missing but when she said my name, chills went up my spine.

"Miss Benites, will you join me for a second?" She said in her raspy, sophisticated voice.

Clarissa tapped my elbow lightly.

"We'll talk later."

I nodded, and she dissapeared out the door. I slowly turned around and walked towards the old lady, holding my binder to my chest. I stopped in front of her desk and she scanned me with a face of annoyance.

"Miss Benites, will you care to explain why you are not doing the homework I have assigned?"

I cleared my throat and gulped nervously.

"Well Ms.Meyers, y-you see I have had a lot of life changing things happening during this past week and it was hard to remem-"

She raised her hand signaling me to stop.

"Show me your binder."

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

She snatched my binder and saw my drawing. She placed my binder on her desk and help the drawing up to me.

"Well, you certainly had enough time to draw such a detailed picture."

She crumpled it with her hand, threw it on the ground, and I gasped.

"This is not art class, Miss Benites. I will not let you mock my class by wasting MY time confronting you about stupid little children fantasies. "

My heart began to throb as she shoved her words down my throat. Ms.Meyers placed both hands on her desk and looked at me with a seriousness that made her look like a man.

"Take this as a warning, Chelsea, if I see you draw or doodle, or do anything that is distracting to me and your peers, I will make sure personally you fail this whole semester, is that clear?"

I nodded, and stood straight, as if I was a soldier and Ms.Meyers was my general.

"You may leave as soon as you pick up your trash."

She sat down on her desk, gave me my binder, put on her glasses, and began reading the essays, while I, in all my humiliation, bent down to grab my drawing. As I walked out, I heard Ms.Meyers mumble something softly.

"Stupid girl..."

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